
Giving in won't do it, though, is the thing. Sending Kamala to kiss his ring will not buy good coverage.
They’ll just end up finding a new reason to hate whoever, if they do go forward, gets picked in his stead. This is management’s attempt to kiss Donnie’s ass with hopes of getting privileged access to the admin or that doom and gloom will bring increased subscriber numbers.
I have a cadre of liberal relatives who will go right back to doom reading the NYT every day. It’s all this is about.
Yeah. Though I do think Thomas Friedman is his own dumbass here
As though the mainstream media would miss the chance to break out their favorite hymn: "Dems In Disarray"
The party needs someone with clout, seniority, confidence, charisma, and a way with words to brush them back with a high inside fastball. AOC could do it but doesn't have the national stature yet. It's a real shame Obama fell into a volcano while hiking in Hawaii or whatever happened.
Also seeing reports circulating that Zogby is pushing the “not Biden, and not Harris either” stuff and is trying to rope the DNC into it.
We need to drop the subscription and stop caring about them
I am like 85% certain Sulzberger is going to step into the voting booth in November and pull the lever for Trump. I think he's just straight-up a fellow traveller.
“Trump is such an existential threat that you must step out of the race and if you don’t we’ll make him win to prove that we were right”
What if we did a rerun of Bush v Gore except this time a less accountable institution than the Supreme Court decided the election?
that "what trump fears most is biden conceding" part, just, wow no one can be that drunk
Now with Hamilton references!
I think Friedman is the wrongest man in American most of the time, but he's also probably giving a more genuine opinion than the ratfucking at his publication.
I can’t believe this shit is still going on. Dash must really want Trump to win.
It’s Claudine Gay but bigger. They’re going to keep at it until they have their scalp.
And this makes it less likely for them to get what they want because Biden hates them. Only way out is through.
He went on HOWARD STERN rather than sit down with the NYT!!!! Ahahahaha!!!
Oh good. That feels like fighting back. I very do not want Wall Street or whoever picking the goddamn nominee right now.
not like “Biden loses and we get to say I told you so” is the worst outcome for the NYT
from their perspective it’s arguably the best one
Honestly I 100% believe Friedman just believes this shit lol but aside from that yeah definitely
Oh I'm sure. He was upset that they didn't talk about the world changing AI technology at the debate. Friedman is on a whole nother astral plane
I think it's even funnier because Friedman is Biden's favorite columnist and they've known each other personally for like 4 and a half decades
This does make me think it might get more of Biden's attention than the rest
Interesting; I hope this is of consequence then.
extraordinarily render him to gitmo, you have immunity
It's the 'but her emails' reboot . And it seems to be working just as well. 😐
Remember when Bari Weiss quit the nytimes and everyone stopped talking about what she had to say? We could just do that now, we don’t have to wait for them to quit.
biden agrees to a interview with AG personally, every question is responded with a: "maybe... maybe not... maybe fuck yourself."
i’ve never seen anything like this, it’s incredible. the emails might as well be obama’s smoking
The possibility of winning and the NYT collectively shitting themselves keeps me going.
It’s not going to stop; letting the Times dictate party actions **after the primaries** is all downside and no upside. Run against the Times and tell them that the multimillion book deals aren’t coming back
there are some newly-legal options worth exploring
Kind of wish Bezos smelled blood in the water and did a big push for more subscriptions after the piece.
his last move was to install a bunch of right-wing British tabloid freaks at the top, so I would rather not see what happens next
I assume it's getting clicks so people should probably stop giving him those
If Sulzberger is powerful enough to stop Biden we are not a free people.
Grit through it. Reframe it as a galvanizing moment for Dems and to remember, "but her emails" back in 2016. Use it to rile the base and give Sulzberger and NYT the finger.
It's one of the things that drove me nuts about 2016. They complained constantly about media coverage, and they were justified in doing so, but they had no plan with how to deal with it other than complaining!!!
The combo of the author and the opening two sentences is jarring in a really funny way. Like I did not expect that start from the headline but of course
Women have to flee the states where they live to get healthcare. Hurricane Beryl is churing in the Caribbean. We have a gun epidemic in this country. Make it about ISSUES. He is just a representative of a platform.
Sorry, Tom, but my folksy Uber driver told me Biden should stick to his guns.
Every time that asshole’s name comes up I have to psychically fumble for about 20 seconds over “wait, where’s this attorney general from, again?”
After the deluge of please chip in $20 emails and texts I’m kinda done lol They have no fire and no plan
At the very least they need to find out where all those kittens have been going
how many times is Lexas and the Olive Tree asshole going to write the same column?