
Absolutely, and let me tout my less-radical-than-it-seems suggestion of what to do about SCOTUS: sortition. Only the role of the chief justice is constitutionally enshrined. Write a Judiciary Act prescribing that the other seats get filled by a yearly random draw from the courts of appeals.
i mentioned this before but the last week or two has fully clarified that the rest of our lives is a drag-out fight against the supreme court that starts with priming the public to enthusiastically support — or at the very least resist decorum-based media calls against — completely rebuilding it
Make it impossible, in other words, for axe-grinding litigants to know who would hear their union-busting/Black-voter suppressing case du jour — or for the Harlan Crows of the world to know where to send their bribes.
Terms end in September, so that they're largely making cert decisions for their successors and not themselves?
Yep! You’re following me — essentially remove the ability of entrenched ideologues to shape their own docket, by ending their entrenchment.