
NYT's Joe Kahn is again highly evasive when asked by WaPo's Erik Wemple about critiques of NYT's relative coverage of Trump/Biden. It's not sufficient to say, oh, we cover Trump extensively and aggressively (which they do!). Reupping our pod dealing directly with this below.
One thing that's clear from the Biden/age story is this: NYT knows how to crusade when it wants to. And NYT is crusading against Biden's mental unfitness for office in a way it's just not doing with Trump. On the pod, and I break this all down:
Trump’s Wildly Unhinged Attack on NYT Should Wake Up Media: He’s With Trump slamming The Times even as it crusades against Biden, a press critic explains how Trump scams the media into adopting a huge double standard on each man's fitness to serve.
I also strongly question the test that Joe Kahn sets here, asking whether a reader would be fully informed about Trump's plans. Here's a test I've proposed, FWIW:
New York Times is right-wing garbage and has been for a while. New York Times paid for early access for these Republican lies and used it to smear Hillary Clinton in 2016. "Twenty-Plus Errors, Fabrications, And Distortions In Peter Schweizer's Clinton Cash"
Twenty-Plus Errors, Fabrications, And Distortions In Peter Schweizer's Clinton Republican activist and consultant Peter Schweizer's new book Clinton Cash, obtained by Media Matters ahead of its publication date, is a trainwreck of sloppy research and shoddy reporting that contai...
This guy is incapable of doing journalism (wears a tie to lay on his floor, as one does). "Joe Kahn, Reclining Figure" Next series of glamour shots, he'll have on a MAGA cap.
Joe Kahn, Reclining Figure — Chris Buck - Photographer / He’s photographed on his dining room floor with the Sunday paper; a pose that would launch a thousand tweets.
I demand that The New York Times get out of the news business. "On the second of the supposed 8 dates, 8/25/23, Biden wasn’t at the WH for any of that day. He was at Tom Steyer’s place in Tahoe that whole week."
It seems to me the NYT (and WH Press for that matter) should have cross-referenced the dates of Dr. Cannard’s visits w/ the president’s schedule. On the second of the supposed 8 dates, 8/25/23, Biden wasn’t at the WH for any of that day. He was at Tom Steyer’s place in Tahoe that whole week.
The York Times is right-wing garbage. This person did a search of "Trump" in The New York Times and the results were articles critical of Biden.
I searched the New York Times for "Trump"
The New York Times (right-wing garbage) wants to be placed near the cashiers at the supermarket (alongside the more credible "The National Enquirer" and "The 'whatever' garbage Globe 'something'" rag). Idiot Republican Peter Baker believed all the lies from Barr in 2019.
Yeah because the White House was working on a bill to help those with Parkinson’s disease that was signed this week. This is literal far right disinformation from the New York Times.
More pro-Trump garbage from The New York Times today (The New York Times has proven that it can't do the news business and should therefore drop out of the news business, Baker is a Republican hack).
Yeah because the White House was working on a bill to help those with Parkinson’s disease that was signed this week. This is literal far right disinformation from the New York Times.
Revealing that he sees their coverage of Trump as equivalent because readers are supposedly already knowledgeable about Trump. So he just assumes everyone is educated on the issue by other parties so the NYT doesn't need to cover it. Literally stating they're abdicating their journalistic duties.
But the NYT web has had the lead stories be about Biden for a solid week whenever I open it. Which is not what they have done for Trump negative stories
The NYT is happy to crusade on issues like hating on trans people and old Democrats.
NYT doesn’t think its readers are fully aware of Biden’s age. They should probably do non-stop front page headlines about it from now until November.