Greta of Annelies Berúthiel

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Greta of Annelies Berúthiel

The stars in their courses fight against me

this did send an icy shiver of fear down to the very core of my being
ten years ago I made a really funny comment on one of his tweets that he retweeted and I am due for another one
donut say that until I have come through with my promises
no don't change it yesterday was my day I can give u reminders!
I just got "ma'am"'d in the wild in the highest difficulty setting yet (jogging orc mode) I am gonna live off of this through at least the rest of the month
oh I wasn't asking for affirmation or anything like that
I don't understand the nuances of the current main story enough to form a valid opinion but yeah everything here is just off. Ironically, I'm somewhat lucky in that I long ago came to terms with the fact that my experience here is basically just talking to myself & occasionally a couple other people
so like I can continue just talking to myself & occasionally a couple other people who I generally know IRL anyway, or I can just I dunno get a journal. I'd do the thing where I give out my discord etc but there is not much point to that
When I got my invite code late last spring I desperately wanted to become part of the community that sprung up on here. It seemed like so many people were welcomed into a larger trans community for the first time & I wanted that but for whatever reason it didn't happen.
It probably didn't happen for most other people too it's just that I didn't see their posts & they didn't see mine so it seemed like it was just me. Just as well though I suppose since the most popular people from that era mostly turned out to be bad people.
Still, it has been nice to have a place that is overwhelmingly trans, and I've learned & discovered a lot of things from here that I probably wouldn't have otherwise. It's also been hard to square all that with the fact that the experience of this website seems to drive away Black people.
I still doomscroll more than I should but I interact/follow stuff less than I used to (like I know almost all of the lore from 2023 for some reason despite not being an active participant) so I rarely know what the current discourse is, which is just as well.
There is no point to this thread (as again I'm only really talking to myself), I guess I should put more effort into finding community IRL, although I'm not sure where to start (trans night at WT kinda feels like here in a lot of ways TBH)
The all-trans-women-team at the bonspiel last month was an overwhelmingly positive experience, even after my brain went back to condemn every thing I said or did, as always; it was probably my first experience of unabashed trans joy. I would like to find more of that. This place ain't it tho.
I haven't washed my hair for like a week and it looks so gross (complimentary)
Oh no my legs are pre-cramping
Best get to bed as I have to be up early to go jogging with the kids before work cause I'm that person now
& my shoulders too??? I didn't know that was a thing
The cat & ghostie keeping me up all night probably didn't help (the ghostie drove off the protector cat 'round midnight)
Oh I think my shoulders got messed up by my big bouncy boobs (😎) I guess I should get a sports bra
Ok the girls officially do be hurtin'; the full coverage sports bralette-esque apparatus that has served me so well in curling and hockey is no match here 😔
Best get to bed as I have to be up early to go jogging with the kids before work cause I'm that person now
Good lordt did Fanatics design the Argentina shorts?