Greta of Annelies Berúthiel

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Greta of Annelies Berúthiel

The stars in their courses fight against me

I just want to make sure everyone heard this proper
TFW you go to a kids movie & your son makes fun of you for crying for 96 straight minutes (ok sure but the hockey camp plot was a bit on the fucking nose) & then you emerge with your hair looking downright glamorous somehow?
Anyway I usually hate the way I look for like a week after a haircut & I also hate the way I look when I smile but I need everyone to tell me I am pretty even though the wind already fucked up my hair somehow despite only having been outside for like 42 seconds since my haircut
today may have been my first ever haircut that didn't trigger a wave of crippling dysphoria 🥲 also too my hairstylist noted that my hair is noticeably thicker since the last time I came in 😎
My shoulders were bruised on the loop-de-loop but the cleve remains
Ok maybe my glance at the door was a little too cursory but it definitely said "ladies" at the top and well I was pot committed & the bartender saw me come out & tagged me as the world's talkest trans masc & used very affirming language. Luckily thought it was real fuckin funny
ok ok why would you talk to me sun don't love me moon don't try me rising ok astrology is obviously true and I am going to be one of those girls going forward
2/3 isn't bad, but you do in fact have to love me. sorry i don't make the rules don't talk to me sun please talk to me moon don't love me rising
& today is 1 year since I quit smoking! Didn't even cheat once (or I would've started smoking again 😔)
Today is my 2 year HRTiversary! Last year I made no plans & was sad & just played Life is Strange all day but today I am in good spirits & tonight I am doing a neat li'l thing that I planned myself & I am glad that I finally seem to be moving in the right direction, ever so slowly
Best I can offer now is surprisingly nice boob shadow
Labeled by the author
They have become a source of great joy
Anyhoo sorry I have been drinking and the result is my first ever meme attempt I am so sorry
Doing my best to bro mode at the Les Schwab since all their records & my car registration are under my old name & I didn't want to deal with it
It'd been a couple years so I reckoned it was time to break out the ol' Velveeta jersey again. The last time I wore this I didn't have boobs 🙃
putting my invite codes on ebay this morning
Swapped out of the ADU for tonight and I have been reunited with my one true love 😭😭😭
I lived bitches
On time for getting my eyebrows did for the first time ever (just as my dreams foretold a fortnight ago) 😎😎😎
We are so back
Ok everything is better now & he ate the special dinner I prepared for him
UPDATE: I have brought my beloved cat into the Bachelorette Pad (aka my former garage) for the night and he is NOT happy (so far)
I miss my cat sleeping on top of me every night I slowly waste away to nothing without him
The pipes unfroze today and the acoustics are good but there's no internet yet & it can be lonely
835 days ago this was the corner of my garage. Plus 1 transition, minus 1 marriage (save co-parenting) minus 1 life savings later this is where I'll be sleeping for the foreseeable future, starting tonight I guess. I'm not sure how I should feel but I feel a lot I dunno
Anyway I sleep in a racing car bed that has hydraulics 😎😎😎
835 days ago this was the corner of my garage. Plus 1 transition, minus 1 marriage (save co-parenting) minus 1 life savings later this is where I'll be sleeping for the foreseeable future, starting tonight I guess. I'm not sure how I should feel but I feel a lot I dunno
Anyway it was kinda neat to put on some old pre-transition clothes and look, ah, distinctly not pre-transition
I found pre-transition clothes to wear for painting the ADU today, and instead of the expected dysphoria I seem to be radiating a steong dyke energy which...yeah ok I can go with this