live, laugh, lonni jeannette

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live, laugh, lonni jeannette

40smth mom and software engineer living in #pdx. i'm here for empathy, kindness, puns, and shitposts 🏳️‍⚧️👭✨💅
I don't get people's interest in the horse-drawn carriage that has gotta be one of the worst possible animals to be drawing a carriage like how in the heck is a half ton animal with hooves and such terrible limb dexterity going to ever finish an entire drawing of such a mechanically complex thing I-
visibly trans! at the jason mraz concert
you know i’ve barely said anything about that journalist but like i can read what y’all have been saying about trans women in retaliation to all this
what “life” did i have before this what good was i waking up in a running shower and throwing up outside of work every morning because i couldn’t bear aging into my dad
There is not privilege in living a life that is not yours. There's a difference between dealing with the bullshit of daily life, and living as someone who isn't *you*. Death isn't just biological, it's social, cultural, existential. Being unable to live as yourself is cruel
His full name is JD Power and Associates Vance
the idea that whiteness supersedes transness *on the subject of transness* is dismissive transphobia, full stop. these conversations demanding nuance are hard enough as-is on a microblogging platform when everyone talks past each other; even more so when cis people refuse to reflect.
this is a contradiction of basic intersectional theory; it erases the existence of non-white trans people who might have a thing or two to say about the unique intersection of race and gender. the "white trans women" slogan is little more than a repetitious transphobic shield against criticism.
proponents of this claim will never state this directly, but that is what they are saying. it is dismissing the concerns of trans people under the guise of social justice by positing that all trans people are straight white men who had the "privilege" to transition, ergo their concerns don't matter.
the key principle of folding all non-white trans women (and frequently trans mascs as well!) into "white trans women" is an extension of transmisogyny. it, along with the notion of "moving from the top of the privilege pile", is the transphobic idea that transness is just something het white men do.
This is not fuckin cool, man
wow i cant believe bill got suspended for this
the way y’all talk about us like every trans woman is just some cis white guy is… terrifying?
i shut the fuck up as a good little “ally” and i shut the fuck up as a good little baby tran but like i’m tired and i’m angry now, i feel like i’m spiritually bleeding all the time, my community is terrified, i’m just… this all just feels really bad to live through, i hope it gets better
“Its predecessors already produce hundreds or even thousands of words almost instantaneously. Now GPT-5 brings PhD writing skills to the table, meaning it can generate text at a rate of about ten words per day.”
ChatGPT Now Has PhD-Level Intelligence, and the Poor Personal Choices to Prove “If you look at the trajectory of improvement, systems like GPT-3 were maybe toddler-level intelligence… and then systems like GPT-4 are more like ...
My family's mad that I'm plating the macaroni and cheese with tweezers
Trans people who demand autonomy do not have a seat at the table of Big Media, so we become an amorphous cloud of social media chatter filtered through platforms that incentivize frivolity and hostility--which is then used to justify denying us that seat. It's a feedback loop of disenfranchisement.
i want us all to make it to a place where we can sing and dance and laugh and cry and kiss and embrace each other under a setting red sun. but in order to get there we do all have to live. and that includes you, specifically.
if you're transgender, your first duty is to live. if youve got anything to give after that, your second duty is to help someone else live, because it's not easy and no one but you and I and those like us will ever understand. your third duty, if you can make it that far, is to live happily.
tapping the god damn sign
i don't have many cis friends here on bluesky, but i know I've got some. they've probably already seen this because they're awesome like that but hey.. if you haven't, this is worth reading. please take a moment. 💖
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: *This thread is about the NYT AS A WHOLE* Feb 2, 2024: The NYT publishes a 4,500-word exercise in literary vomit by Pamela Paul titled “As Kids, They Thought They Were Trans. They No Longer Do.” By Feb 6, this embarrassment is cited in a conservative legal brief in Idaho.
saturdays are for the dolls
6 months ago: bluesky is run by dolls (positive) now: bluesky is run by dolls (derogatory)
i didn't realize "working for the aggressively anti-trans newspaper is bad actually" was a controversial take but here we are
cis people in america will never know the pain of like falling in love with someone and wanting to age together and have kids, and then like anytime you open the internet it’s like we might just have years, we might not have time for surgeries, we might not get started
y'all she said this to me last weekend and it turned out she was right, so trust me it will go easier for us if we just do it now
Have we tried turning this website off and back on?
hey everyone you really should cancel your subscriptions to the following - The New York Times - The Washington Post - The Wall Street Journal - The Economist - The Atlantic think about how much money you would save tell them you don’t like how their editors demonize trans healthcare repost this
stay out of the tranny business, toots i run this town
cis ppl should just stay out of tranny business tbh
like the dude can keep working there and do whatever good he thinks he’s doing and trans people can point out that his participation in an org that erodes our rights makes it hard to take his being an ally seriously both these things can be true no one can control how others perceive your actions
Werner Herzog directing a Maybelline ad: Perhaps she is born with it. What a frightful notion, to be imbued with the fetters of capitalist commodification from birth. It suggests God Himself is a part of our dreadful pattern instead of a refuge from it.
My body's not exactly a temple but more like a house made of candy that two kids find in the woods