Brain’s Weird.

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Brain’s Weird.

Interested in discussions on mental health, disability, neuroscience, ethics, associated topics more difficult to discuss, and their intersections.
Questioning precise neurotype.
Gotta admit I’m living a pretty charmed life right but.. does anyone have any hope for the future to spare? Preferably without my needing to become suddenly cool with some fundamentally uncool people.
Playtime got my golden looking like a cartoon character
Playtime got my golden looking like a cartoon character
When you mesh well enough with the same person long enough these things tend to happen. Context: I’m taking pictures of the storm in our garage, she’s watching TV inside, and lightning struck quite close to us.
Some of my favorite shots from my chance encounter with a luna moth!
Some of my favorite shots from my chance encounter with a luna moth!
“If you can’t avoid being eaten by someone who loves you how can you possibly avoid being eaten by someone that wants to eat you?” -my fish, apparently
Got to see the circle of life in my aquarium this morning. It was a very small circle.
Celebrating 1 year nicotine free 🙌
I don’t even like playing AC but understand that this sense of community is 100% why it’s known for being such a comfort series. It’s exactly what makes the only warm and fuzzy parts of Souls/-like games so. We’re in this together, whether it’s building some beautiful or navigating darkness.
Animal Crossing came out the DAY the world shut down. So there you were, stuck at home with a children’s video game that helped you to learn how to talk to people and form communities. Yall basically failed an open book test for kindergarteners
Animal Crossing came out the DAY the world shut down. So there you were, stuck at home with a children’s video game that helped you to learn how to talk to people and form communities. Yall basically failed an open book test for kindergarteners
Is it just me or is this Home Depot chat bot designed to annoy people while being useless as to basically prime their customers to be frustrated before connection to a human rep?
Avatar Free access to Nature article: Language is primarily a tool for communication rather than thought Still plugging through the discussion but I find the implications of this fascinating and terrifying!
The same artist that did my tattoo also did this one for my fiancee. She also happens to be my second longest lasting friendship. I’m always going to hype her work regardless, but look at this work and tell me it is not perfect. In awe of the friends I’ve kept.
The problem isn't that AI can do your job (it can't). The problem is management thinks AI can do your job.
The NYT laying off half it’s art dept as they ramp up the use of A.I. tools is 100% related to UArts closing due to a “steep drop in enrollment.” Regardless of A.I.’s actual capabilities the story being told to (and accepted by) business leaders is damaging the perceived value of the visual arts.
To my own surprise I’m a fan of Siri reading my texts to me, but why does she sometimes sound like she escaped Bill Cosby?
Politely taking the nice man’s flyer about the rapture and immediately putting it in the recycling bin. I’m not going, I gotta take care of the planet!
This post brought to you by trying to check the fucking weather.
I yearn for a day I can click a link without needing to worry about another video autoplaying I would very much like to do terrible things to any proponent of videos automatically playing.
I yearn for a day I can click a link without needing to worry about another video autoplaying I would very much like to do terrible things to any proponent of videos automatically playing.
I complain about driving in the city a lot but in the 2 minutes it took to get to Dunkin here in the exurbs I had to react to a surprise U-turn from the right lane of a 4 lane road before getting honked at for not stopping to let someone in to the roundabout I was driving through.
I can’t even begin to describe how much I love this new tattoo One of the best birthdays in recent memory.
I can’t even begin to describe how much I love this new tattoo One of the best birthdays in recent memory.
“The greatest gift you ever give is your honest self.” - Fred Rogers
“If you could only sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to the people you may never even dream of. There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person.” - Fred Rogers
My brother said my new sunglasses looked gay *during* pride month so that’s a compliment, right?
The Iron Claw’s emotional attack on me has left me scarred. Jeremy Allen White once again delivers a character I just desperately want to hug.
My neck My back My knees They all go *CRACK*
Seconding this. Such a beautifully animated and written show that felt both familiar and fresh!
Rewatching the masterpiece Scavengers Reign, newly on Netflix. Everybody who loves drama, bizarre alien ecosystems, and trippy aesthetics should watch it, so it might get renewed for S2!
Pretty wild how much my mental health had improved just by getting a job I’m good at and seem to be appreciated at with a salary I can survive on. That long awaited blog post is still on its way, it’s just gonna look different.
And the foreman came up to me, tears in his eyes, and he said to me "sir, you are so guilty, I have never seen someone so guilty in my life"