
every second commercial on American TV is an ad for medication, and all of them are like “possible side effects include death, death a different way, your bones come out of your body, and death a third way”, and it’ll be medication for like “sometimes itchy scalp”
"Do not take if you're pregnant, thinking of becoming pregnant or harbouring a lesser demon in your body."
Chronic Dry Eye, Opioid Induced Constipation, Peyronie's Disease (dong bunion), Tardive Dyskenisia (SSRI twitches). Real things that have pharma ads the pharmas have potential fatal side effects. And worse than death, a rare infection of the perineum or, taint rot.
They advertise defence systems too. Like nobody watching is going to buy one. It’s to keep the networks addicted to their ad buys and discourage them from criticism of their advertisers and their shady practices.
It's wild! I never see them at home but at my in-laws they have the tv on all the time and it's no wonder everyone here is low-key insane
And did you know that drug ads like that are only a thing in the U$ and New Zealand? Idk how NZ got dragged into that shit LOL I literally know people who take more medications to help handle the side effects of medications.
Do not take X if you are allergic to X. Thank you. I'm so glad we need to mention this on every single commercial.