
Nationalize Boeing. It is the right thing to do of course and it is also the most humane way to put the executives out of their misery however I am open to other suggestions in that area as well
NASA astronauts stuck in space after Boeing Starliner Faulty thrusters and helium leaks have plagued the aircraft, though officials believe there's no danger to the Americans taking it home.
I suspect there are viable remedies that are less expensive: - Break up Boeing along product lines, eg. civilian and defense contractors. - Block Boeing’s acquisition of competitors. - Incentive competition and startups.
Pretty sure using "how expensive is it" as the determinant for our next course of action is what got us here.
I’m pretty sure the myth of “shareholder value” along with financialization of the economy are what got us here. Throw in some poorly conceived M&A activity, and poof, out popped the mess that is Boeing.