
this is the funniest shit i've ever seen re: the long awaited NCAA game play like a champion this summer
I am a grown-ass adult parent of three and I've taken multiple vacation days off starting on release day just to play this. I've already told the kids that's what's happening.
He really think we’re about to skip playing this game for our responsibilities lol. That’s so cute. It’s been a decade
I'm 29, have no children, and a friend who's willing to split the cost. Love this for me.
40, no kids, mommy bought me the game for my birthday Let’s go
I have a 1 year old... I didn't sleep much last year, basically training for this game release.
41, pseudostepkids are moving out and the better 3/4 doesn’t give one single shit about me playing games at night. You fools are about to witness the rebirth of nebraska dominance the likes of which haven’t been seen since January 1996
I love you all. 28 not single but I game a lot anyways
/loses to Rutgers //loses to Michigan ///loses to whoever else is in Nebraska's current friend-and-frenemy group
Jokes on them, when I played before I was in the lab for 60-plus hours a week. I'm now in a 40 hour a week job, and I get full days off.
I just need to have enough time to stay better than my 10-year-old and mop the floor with him like I did with my college roommates.
I have no feelings whatsover about this particular game BUT my heart is full of joy for all y'all who are going to experience it just like the first time I sat with Red Dead 2 in 2018
was telling someone this today: unlike when I was a kid, I have no sports practice, no homework, and no one telling me I can’t stay up playing all night. I got time.