
I have at times wondered if some parts of my life might be a warning to others I'd like to note that this is one of those times. Carbonating pickle juice ruins it. That is all.
Now you tell me, just when I was about to go commercial with it. Mind you, we were having trouble coming up with a suitable name - sports drink focus groups were not responding well to “Fizz-Ickle”.
Might have been more successful than mayonnaise dew.
In my consumer economics class in Highschool we had to come up with ideas for new food products, and I suggested a flaming hot Cheeto flavored drink which would be like a spicy, faux-cheesy canned milkshake. And they laughed, what a stupid idea they said, it would be terrible. Who’s laughing now
Still everyone else because a flaming hot fake cheese milkshake is indeed a more vile concept than even flaming hot Mountain Dew.