Greg Walshaw

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Greg Walshaw

Professional musician (organ, piano, composition, others on occasion), theological shit-disturber (semi-pro), and long-time fan of Canadian football.
Take the time to read some of the replies to the original.
A comic about disability and drugs in America for #disabilitypridemonth
Reposted byAvatar Greg Walshaw
My favorite tried-and-true resistance tactic: Being Extremely Fucking Annoying.
Gratuitous cat picture. The guy on the left is Johnny. On the right is his brother Cash.
At my usual pub near the church. 6 types of tacos on the menu. These are a special feature and blow the other 6 so far out of the water, I might have to come back after work.
Having a Canadian music night. Branching out from my regulars to indulge some youthful pleasures: Bootsauce, and now The Shuffle Demons. After that? Possibly Art Bergmann or Big Sugar to keep the youthful Indulgence vibe...
Reposted byAvatar Greg Walshaw
This is where the current University positions fall apart. We can't speak out against the genocide because that's antisemitic because it is opposing Israel & Israelis might be sad - but Israelis are *also* speaking out against the genocide & we are punishing them too... Who are we protecting?
The University of Minnesota has paused the hiring of Israeli scholar Raz Segal to head the institution’s Holocaust and Genocide school over his principled position that Israel is perpetrating a genocide. Truly reprehensible.
Reposted byAvatar Greg Walshaw
Wow: “Multiple academic buildings are mortgaged beyond their appraised value to secure $40 million in debt, and we have learned that the one that isn’t, Terra Hall, has a multimillion-dollar structural issue,” the union said. “State and city elected leaders are investigating the closure”
Anger and questions swirl as University of the Arts abruptly shuts College administration says UArts finances went from bad to worse. Poor communication leaves students scrambling to transfer schools.
I started a story last night with "the first dead body I saw...". It was about a homeless person who had passed while leaning up against a building, probably around 87-88 as it was before the building burned. I knew the person, but not by name, yet I had spoken with the person. I was 13-14.
Clearly a little late, but I have reached quafftide. What is quafftide? Beyond a handy new 16th century word I recently learned, it is exactly what you would expect.
A terrible picture of my wife singing terribly well. The final solo section in Vivaldi's Gloria. Which is good, as I would pity the poor bastard who would have to go next. Like, yeah, people exist, but this choir wouldn't be able to afford them.
Reposted byAvatar Greg Walshaw
Google, 1998: We're going to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. Imagine the whole world's knowledge in your pocket! Google 2024: Drink your own piss. Now eat glue.
Police east of Toronto decided to do a high-speed chase the wrong way down the 401 highway. Predictably, it ended poorly with innocent people dying.
Ten games to get to know me by: Parsec (best played on a TI-99) NHL95 FIFA16 Sim City 4 The Sims 3 Grand Prix 3 (Geoff Crammond) Pirates (Sid Maier) Falcon AT Railroad Tycoon II Civilization IV
Binding of Isaac Rebirth Celeste Link's Awakening Super Mario World Rogue Legacy 2 Pony Island Chrono Trigger Tetris (Game Boy) Day of the Tentacle Shovel Knight
This afternoon, I was surrounded by bagmen and wheelmen. It was either an endoscopy clinic or a bank robber convention. And oh how I would love to see a bank robber convention.
My total eclipse playlist...
Clearly, I missed something. It is know gnawing at my very soul.
This 32gb thumb drive will hold every rock cd and digital download in my collection, and most if not all of the blues records as well. It also works in my 2013 Hyundai! Happily cancelled sirius xm yesterday. This gizmo has way more music and only $10.
I would take a close look at all job application and training program details. Just to be safe.
I have been looking for these socks since New Year's. I don't have that big a house
Saw a post about "road trains" in Australia. The picture was better, than this one, but you get the idea. Regular tractor-trailer but with 3 extra trailers. Central Aus is mostly flat and mostly empty. Wouldn't want to meet one going up Kicking Horse or Rogers Pass.
Today, as I do about every 18-24 months, I googled the name of N.W.T. artist Don Cardinal, who died in the mid-80s, not long after a CBC doc brought his work to wider attention. Surprised and delighted to see more today than I've found before.
I think it has to be Big Sugar's "Digging A Hole."
I live in what some consider to be not a great part of town. Usually neurotic about this type of thing, I completely failed to lock the front door this morning. Didn't give it a second thought till I was back on my porch 8 hours later, reaching for my keys. Everything exactly where I left it.
Reposted byAvatar Greg Walshaw
The children being starved and bombed in Gaza are not Hamas. Just as: The children slain by Hamas were not Bibi and his Kahanists. Just as: The children murdered in their classrooms are not Trump and the Proud Boys. Fucking hell people, get it the fuck together.
Going to do another rock and roll on the pipe organ concert late April. Provisional set list has some things from last year (a mini set of Doors tunes, some Lennon/McCartney, and Green Onions), but also some new: Somebody to Love by Queen seems appropriate to announce today, and a CanCon set too!
It’s important for the modern church to reach out within the cultural context it finds itself. So, as Valentine’s Day approaches…
I had made a facebook post about how composition was a notable part of my work as a church music director. I mused that maybe I should do a count, so today I did. 349 original musical works over 21 years written for this one specific place. Shortest about 10 seconds, longest about 17 minutes.
Played a Handel organ concerto this morning with a small orchestra. Last time I played an organ solo with an orchestra, it was 20 years ago and it was the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra. In a neat twist, it was the same conductor!
At a new restaurant. A menu item says a dish has “crumbled lobster.” The PEI blood in my veins has no idea what that means.
And if they don’t yell or sing disparaging songs at each other, I may just lose all faith in humanity.