
It's been two years. This day must be avenged. Vote.
It’s a catastrophe, and it’s crystal clear they’re coming for Griswold and Obergefell. We must grow this Court STAT. It won’t change thru impeachment because we won’t soon get to 2/3rds. We must affirmatively vote for the Dem prez candidate (Biden or whomever) and #VETO (Vote Every Trumper Out).
yeah and then what happens next time Republicans win the presidency and the Senate?
If Trump is defeated, the GOP will go into a generation of dormancy. We’ll take it up again in the mid-2040s with a radically altered, or wholly different, opposition party, one that adheres to Constitutional precedent, rule of law, and the sanctity of the vote. Dictatorship is the other option.
I agree this is likely. Meanwhile we must be vigilant and hold our reps to account. If not Dems will be GOP redux. But for now:#Roevember
Indeed, perhaps the strongest practical argument for dubious (esp. younger) Dem leaners is, in a two-person race where one is guaranteed to win, you want to vote affirmatively for the ticket/candidate on whom you’ll have the most influence. And that’s not the person who vows to incarcerate you.