
It's been two years. This day must be avenged. Vote.
And interracial marriage And probably then something like mixed-faith marriages
Thanks to Joe Biden, Joe Lieberman, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton in addition to the expected Republicans for ensuring this came to pass.
Yep. Get heads out of sand now, folks.
When will they stop interracial marriage?
And the flag hanging outside my garage has been down ever since. In an HOA cul-de-sac full of wall mounted American flags, the only person to comment on it was my 6 year old granddaughter. Everyone else is a fucking moron.
Elections have consequences
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Not supposed to say that on public social media sir.
lol real hard man so tough
A lot of people need to pay attention to what's happening here vs overseas. I saw a "both candidates are too old, so I'm not voting" post on IG. That person will be the first to complain when their rights are further stripped. Gaza is a mess. It will always be a mess. We're falling to fascism.
vote how you want but handwaving Gaza as "a mess that will always be a mess" is disgusting apologia for Biden. its ethnic cleansing that he's enabling, lets be clear about that.
Graham and Stefanik have mused about nuking Gaza. Nikki Haley signed a bomb. Don't vote for Biden and you have that in charge. Please, let trump handle it and see how happy you are while more women die from pregnancy complications here. Good on you.
Fuck your willingness to overlook as a genocide because "it could be worse" with the other guy. Fuck you and your willingness to let kids die so you can be comfortable you empty fuck. You empty fuck.
And fuck you for being willing to lose the entire Supreme Court and allowing an actual fascist dictator come back into power, you tantrum throwing, shortsighted twat. Let's look away from the women on our shores who are dying because their rights to abortion were stripped because Bernie or Bust.
Gargle a turd, Chris, you clueless white moderate fuck. Malcolm X was right. James Baldwin was right. Assata Shakur was right. Martin Luther King, Jr. was right. You're all useless, seeking a negative peace rather than actual justice. Useless fucks, the lot of you. Vote for your predator.
RBG should have resigned under obama you dipshits brought this on yourselves
oh no itll be 9-0 instead of 7-2. the court is lost mate, and its Obama's, RBG's, and Hillary Clinton's fault
So far your argument is effectively more of a statement of "what you stand for" rather than real world effects, how it makes you feel about yourself as opposed to real world impact. If the fruit of your labor equals exacerbation, perhaps reconsider your approach.
I don't have an argument here, I have principles that are inconvenient to fucking useless people who will always find a reason why a certain group of people will just have to keep suffering so you can be more comfortable. You're all white moderates, and you serve capital and white supremacy.
you’re so cool and edgy
No, but it's not surprising you would mistake actual passion for what is happening in the political and social sphere as being edgy. Having passion would require taking a firm stance on things, showing emotion, things like that. Keep up what you're doing though. Your boss likes you, I know it.
again, vote how you want, as will i. just saying fuck you for referring to Gaza as some inconvenient accident
Do you think Gaza will be better or worse under a Trump administration?
i think it will barely exist by the time of a Trump administration
Wow Chris - could you miss the point any more than you have? I will hold my nose and vote for Biden. But I WILL NEVER hand wave away a genocide being done with our bombs and $. Doing so makes you seem soulless & doesn’t make anyone want to listen to you.
America was the model for fascism. America has always been fascist. Abortion rights are not on the ballot. One of your fascist parties held both chambers and the presidency when your Supreme Court overturned Roe. Are you suggesting everyone should vote for the other fascist party?
We've been fascist since the 70s lol a lot of people never noticed
For party that tried to destroy it or for the party that failed to protect it?
Wish I had a party who cared about the issue to vote for
You mean like when Obama campaigned on making abortion the law of the land and just...didn't?
vote for who, the guy who is currently president and doing nothing about it?
It’s a catastrophe, and it’s crystal clear they’re coming for Griswold and Obergefell. We must grow this Court STAT. It won’t change thru impeachment because we won’t soon get to 2/3rds. We must affirmatively vote for the Dem prez candidate (Biden or whomever) and #VETO (Vote Every Trumper Out).
yeah and then what happens next time Republicans win the presidency and the Senate?
Presumably, they will do the same. So what? At least this way when the Democrats are in charge, the SCOTUS will not stop them. When the Republicans are in charge, it will be is now.
If Trump is defeated, the GOP will go into a generation of dormancy. We’ll take it up again in the mid-2040s with a radically altered, or wholly different, opposition party, one that adheres to Constitutional precedent, rule of law, and the sanctity of the vote. Dictatorship is the other option.
I agree this is likely. Meanwhile we must be vigilant and hold our reps to account. If not Dems will be GOP redux. But for now:#Roevember
Indeed, perhaps the strongest practical argument for dubious (esp. younger) Dem leaners is, in a two-person race where one is guaranteed to win, you want to vote affirmatively for the ticket/candidate on whom you’ll have the most influence. And that’s not the person who vows to incarcerate you.