
Whoa. Maybe I take back some of the things I said about the level of discourse on Threads. Apparently after the biased debate coverage and the anti-voting screed, The People bullied them off the platform.
Can't for the next op-ed "The fall of western civilization? Being Social Media canceled"
This makes me want to check the app out. I don't think I've ever opened an account there.
In my experience it’s the worst parts of Twitter plus a bunch of influencers talking mostly to each other, but other people seem to get a decent amount of value out of it
It’s owned by Meta/Facebook, so that’s a big no thanks from me right out of the gate.
Riiiiight. That's why I'm not on there!
And according to other posts here NYT is back on Threads. It looks like the NYT found out the bad part about being in the eye of the algorithms.
My experience with Threads is like what if you had the discoverability problem any fediverse site faces combined with the Meta algorithm that only feeds you posts about one topic at a time. There may be corners of Threads worth reading but there's no way to get there unless you already know how
They can take wapo and huffpo with them.
I feel like a corporation, especially a news organization, should at least pretend to be open to dealing with people who disagree with it. It's kind of pathetic that they'd leave. Organizations don't have feelings to be hurt, and shouldn't operate like they do.
I still see them on there