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Developer of digital media designed to elicit a heightened emotional response | The "P" is for "problematic" | he/him | Bioregion of Cascadia | likkitp.threadless.com/about
and quote “These form a colossal operation that has become one of the main drivers of the climate change alarm industry and, as such, is harmful to future U.S. prosperity,” Project 2025 says.
Totally par for the course. Find something that government does well, and either burn it down, defund it, or force it into a profit model that will end up doing both. gizmodo.com/republicans-... #NOAH #Project2025 #Weather
Republicans' Project 2025 Plans to End Free Weather Reportsgizmodo.com Millions of people everyday rely on government data to chart the weather. Conservatives have been trying to stop it for decades.
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a good reminder that we're heading into the sh*t storm season again so it is important to check the weather report before we start crying "sh*t storm!"
No, they're not. They're providing free coffee for first responders that have to work the event. They will be found the same for first responders that have to work the DNC next month. apnews.com/article/fact...
No, Starbucks is not sponsoring the Republican National Conventionapnews.com Social media users are claiming that Starbucks, known for taking strong positions in support of progressive political issues, is sponsoring the RNC.
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also and I feel like I buried the lede here: it calls for the people who CREATE queer media to be imprisoned. That'd be people like me. Or any other queer creator you love. Any queen who's been on drag race. Chappel Roan. Janelle Monae. Anyone who's made a piece of queer media. Imprisoned.
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
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Most of you don't use Feeds, I bet. Figure them out. sSubscribe to Feeds you vibe with. I follow Horror Artists, Horror Podcasts, Blacksky, Japanese Cluster, GameDev, and various shitposter feeds. I enjoy being here as a result.
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"I hate my feed, it's infuriating, it's depressing." OK, so. Fix it? "I can't!" Well, probably closer to you don't know how, but OK again. Delete the app. "I won't!" OK, yet again. Then figure out how to use it so it doesn't make you sad. BlueSky makes this way easier than most apps.
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To piggyback: I truly think a few too many of you are far too passive in your participation in media consumption. If you are sick of having crap firehosed onto your dash/feed/scroll, CHANGE WHAT MAKES IT TO YOUR DASH/FEED/SCROLL. Block, adblock, mute, actively seek out instead of waiting for recs.
reminder that this website does not have an algorithm so if everything on your homepage sucks or you think this website is “dead” it is quite literally a skill issue. follow more & better people. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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AFL-CIO: "Sen. JD Vance likes to play union supporter on the picket line, but his record proves that to be a sham ... A Trump–Vance White House is a corporate CEO’s dream and a worker’s nightmare." aflcio.org/press/releas...
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Kind of a big correction from the BBC here
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Our Front Page:
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Rooting for Mongolia this Olympics solely out of respect for the drip
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Vance was Heritage's pick so don't forget about Project 2025, which proceeds apace
Guessing this meme is current again
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Here’s the thing about the Vance pick: it’s probably unhelpful in electoral terms. But, in terms of governance, it’s further evidence that they’re Going For It. Trump 1 was hobbled in his authoritarian attempt by the admin and GOP. Trump 2 will be aided by both. They’re gonna go for it.
A person/plan so crazy even most of the people he has been trying to recruit thought it was too extreme. Yet, still this is what they are attempting.
"Donald Trump’s self-proclaimed 'secretary of retribution' is touting a wild plan to arrest politicians, police officers, and journalists he views as disloyal to the former president."
Trump Ally Exposed for Horrific Hit List of Political Enemiesnewrepublic.com Donald Trump’s self-proclaimed “secretary of retribution” is even more bloodthirsty than the former president.
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The latest cover of the New Yorker:
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This’ll never make me a regular on msnbc, but people should be ashamed to admit they support Trump. He is a hideously bad person proposing to enact a vast expansion of cruelty and human suffering. The erosion and collapse of social sanctions for supporting someone so indecent is a big problem.
*sigh* Time to find a new sticker manufacturer.
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‘Our Country Is Better Than This,’ Says Country That Has Never Been Better Than This: theneedling.com/2024/06/14/o...
👩‍🍳 🥓 🇺🇸
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These are the other shootings that happen in America and all of them get one headline and then no one ever thinks about them again because it happens all the time and everyone has stopped caring
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Its wild how AOC believing that elections are things you "organize to win" that involve more on running media management campaigns from DC, puts her out afield of so much of the establishment
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RIP to Dr Ruth. and no one can top the tribute to her currently up on Billy Idol’s insta story.
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nobody should be posting right now. resist the urge to post.
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I think most people really don't have any context for the cumulative effect of the constant unhinged low level harassment that comes past a certain threshold of name recognition