
If they’re going to replace Biden can they just fucking do it already and spare us weeks of this
This is how they like to play! It’s entertainment for them
The most honest take I've seen on this so far is the Atlantic writer who supported it on the grounds that politics wouldn't be boring anymore
Unfortunately that take is bad because these games affect people’s lives — most importantly, the disenfranchised and those most at risk.
The Atlantic would be far more readable if any of its writers other than Serwer cared about those lives
tbh i think serwer’s take that biden should step down from both the campaign and the presidency was the only honest one but i think his argument was very deeply and very badly flawed
If biden steps down from the presidency we don’t get a vice president and house speaker gets to be 2nd in the chain
yes, that was the deep, major flaw in the argument that was never addressed
I really really really don't think this particular point should control the decision, I think that would be terrible folly
Stepping down from running for re election is completely separate
If the best election strategy is for him to resign as president then not doing it because of this vice presidential vacancy thing would be a terrible mistake That's my only claim here
to be fair, that wasn’t his argument, his argument was that if he’s genuinely unfit for campaigning, then he’s obviously unfit for office, and i think that’s a good faith argument. but that first “if” is load-bearing, even from an argument standpoint, and the essay addressed nothing that comes after
Bottom line is until media are willing to grapple with trumps fascist takeover instead of concern scolding corporatist democrats, this country is proper fucked m8