
Everyone’s mourning Donald Sutherland by naming really great movies, and I want to point out that he was also the best thing, often the single redeeming thing, in some lousy movies that people still love because Donald Sutherland.
Bon voyage to the weird, the unexpectedly elegant, the orthogonally sympathetic characters who came out of his encounters with otherwise broken stories. No actor, however amazing, can save a script from being bad. But some actors can find something in scripts whose good qualities are buried deep.
In Moonfall (d. Roland Emmerich, 2022) he has a one-scene cameo in which he explains to Halle Berry that there's a government conspiracy covering up the fact that the moon is hollow, and for the couple of minutes he was on screen I legitimately believed I was watching a good movie
This exactly! Because now I’m going to watch that, and I doubt anything else in it will be other than terrible, but even so it will be worth it.
The hero of the movie loves Elon Musk, which was dumb a couple years ago and even more painful now
I watched that movie deep in quarantine and ultimately ended up playing a drinking game with myself where I took a drink if I correctly predicted the next line of terrible dialog or absurd plot twist, and it was actually wildly entertaining. It's not GOOD, but it's the right kind of bad.
Moonfall is a wonderful bad movie to watch with people who like watching bad movies. It is endearing in its brazen stupidity.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer. 🫡
Oh God yes, I'd forgotten that one
Oh my god, yes. ...though Paul Reubens also gets partial credit.
The scene(s) when Paul Reubens is dying *mwah*
Although c'mon, that's a farce on purpose
It is, but I would argue that though it is a movie of its time and FUN, it is not actually a particularly good movie (and it benefits a lot from nostalgia from the TV show) and that Sutherland made it immeasurably better than it would have been otherwise.
I saw the movie before I saw the TV show; I was disappointed by the show at first because it wasn't as goofy/the vibe felt all wrong! The film mocks, inverts, & employs teen horror tropes of the 70s-90s. Totally cool if that's not everyone's thing! But I think it hit what it aimed for.
I also saw the movie first - and look! I love it! I think it's goofy and brilliant. I don't want to give the impression that I didn't enjoy the hell(mouth) out of it! Just that it's not exactly Serious Actor Oscar Season fare. You can tell he was having a blast which makes it all the better!
Agreed on all counts! It was definitely not Cinema(TM)
I remember enjoying Eye of the Needle (1981), a WWII spy thriller, mostly because of his performance. Sometimes I think I'm the only person who ever saw it.
I saw it. He was really good, and the scenery was fabulous.
It was beautiful! I had also forgotten what a good supporting cast it has. It's streaming on Prime and I may actually watch it tonight.
I didn't realize it was on Prime. Might have another look myself.
Thanks. Will watch tonight.
I've seen it--Kate Nelligan is also great in the movie.
I'm one who saw it over & over again in the days when it ran frequently on subscription tv at my aunt & uncle's house where I babysat my cousins. That, and Fort Apache: The Bronx (Paul Newman), and Silent Partner, starring Elliott Gould, which brings us full-circle back to Sutherland....
“Singvogel. Hier ist die Nadel. Kommen.” I really like this movie and have seen it many (many) times. RIP Donald Sutherland
He was very good in the Hunger Games movies.
Yes he was. His awareness of his own evil, and his game-knows-game recognition of it in his counterpart were so well done.
He made some bad choices and he acknowledged them by saying when he was wrong he was REALLY wrong.
Ah yes, that first heist in the remake of The Italian Job…
rewatched recently and he's about the only part of that movie that holds up lol
He scared the crap out of a young me in Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Kelly's Heroes has entered the chat
No, I won’t have it. A strange little movie, sure. But bad? No caper movie with Sutherland was ever bad. Woof woof woof.
No negative waves, Moriarty.
Look, PUPPETMASTERS was awesome (it was also lousy)
Space Cowboys is wonderfully predictable and has about a billion plot holes you could drive a truck through. But the cast, including Donald Sutherland made it fun and enjoyable. Which I think was the point.
I enjoyed his eye test during the physical
That moment made jump out of my seat!
I wouldn't say I love the movie because of him since it's very cheesy, but he plays an arsonist in Backdraft, probably the only scene I still remember from the movie. Also an odd cameo in JFK.
That scene! The rest of the movie is a frankly homophobic grab bag that’s better expressed in the famous Onion JFK headline; but he comes in with a soliloquy that turns a catalog of (some) very dubious facts seem like the most obvious observations in the world.
… facts INTO the most obvious observatioN in the world. My rephrasing outpaced my proofreading. Dyslexia/ADHD/etc, but also I’m stupid.
He's so good in Backdraft, which is pretty lousy
Backdraft is more campy than lousy. The cinematography and effects were stellar. He was magnificent in that movie…
The amount of schlock I've seen him in & knew he'd do his best was always delightful
he’s one of the great actors of my lifetime. I’m glad that he lived a full complete lifespan and that he had a great career. I’m still very sorry to think of him being gone.
1993's 'Younger and Younger' Donald Sutherland plays slick, cool and flashy self-storage business owner Jonathan Younger, who after the death of his wife Penny (Lolita Davidovich) takes on his son Winston Younger (Brendon Fraser) to run his company while being haunted by her ghost.
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I haven't seen a ton of the movies he's been in, but of the ones I *have*, he was always a highlight.
Merrick was so wonderful in Buffy.
There was one about an artificial heart where he played the surgeon/inventor.