
Seriously, could we just not do this? Consumer AI is like fast fashion for phones. Could we just use it for drug discovery and gene editing, maybe elephant translation, and call that enough?
New AI data centers are coming online so fast that the electricity demand is straining global power grids and threatening clean energy goals. Read The Big Take ⬇️
AI Is Wreaking Havoc on Global Power New artificial intelligence data centers are coming online so fast that the electricity demand is straining global power grids and threatening clean energy goals.
I've enjoyed having an iphone, but if the communications industry keeps going in this direction, my next phone will be a flip phone that *might* be capable of SMS.
I still have a Gen 1 Motorola Razr and it still works. Every so often input a sim in it and use it gir a month. It’s restful.
Ooh, I have one, too, from traveling more than a decade ago. (It's pink!!) I might give that a go! I have a coworker who uses a flip phone and sometimes I envy him.
I raised the energy demand query at a meeting a couple of weeks ago, given my company is rushing headlong into giving everyone access to MS Copilot. Despite the meeting being with multiple who earn a lot more than I do, nobody had even contemplated this aspect.
It does seem like every tech product is increasingly and desperately having loads of superfluous and mostly-useless AI froth added to it. I think a lot is more to excite investors than please customers. The ghost of clippy lives on📎😱
But-but-but my ugly images?