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Queer and mad and tired and ready to eat a billionaire for morale. Gardening, cooking, and parenting in the Pacific Northwest. Would always be reading a book. Pro choice, pro trans, anti genocide. Not interested in being DM’d by random dudes.
Taco supreme! Kid-made taco meat, tomatoes and cilantro from the garden, homemade hot sauce and pickled onions, and sour cream. 🍽️🍜🌱
I see you shiver with anticip—- #waitforit #tomatoseason #patience 🌱 (Varietals: Pineapple, Sun Sugar, Legend, Siletz)
I had a huge summer squash from my mom’s garden (mine are a week from overrunning the kitchen) so I made a riff on @smittenkitchen.bsky.social’s braised chickpeas and zucchini. Pesto from last summer’s garden, Parmesan because we didn’t have burrata and a little leftover Italian sausage. 🌱🍜🍽️
New dahlia just dropped. This is Nenekazi— I have two plants in pots. The brighter one is just opening and then it fades beautifully to soft orchid and buttery yellow. 🌱
Exciting gruel update: fresh backyard blackberries! Quinoa and steel cut oats, toasted almonds and berries, turkey bacon, and a little garden mint for garnish. #gruelforthegruelgods 🌱🍽️🍜
This just made me look up how much a bushel is. And okay, we don’t actually have a bushel of plums, but we do have half a Trader Joe’s grocery bag full, or 16lb if you don’t use standard measurements.
My neighbors have a plum tree that is literally cracking under the weight of ripe plums. We are going to get a bunch from them and then I need to figure out what to do with a mess of plums. Certainly some jam and maybe dehydrate some?
Getting into trouble with a green chicken curry with eggplant, green bean, onion, garlic, Thai basil and cilantro from the garden. It’s a new green curry paste and it’s spiiiicy. 🌱🍜🍽️
Yep, she’s a beast. And my canna lily next to it just popped open today at too. It sent up the bud while we were out of town.
Flame garden 🌱 is aflame. Mai Tai dahlia, Madame Butterfly bronze snapdragon, a rudbeckia of unknown provenance (Goldsturm likely?), and Mexican zinnia.
My path is disappearing. I know this is the natural order of things but this feels like magic to me every year. (And I need to do some judicious pruning or I’ll be in trouble!) July 22 vs May 22 🌱
I know the Himalayan varietal is invasive and annoying, but my backyard blackberries can’t be stopped short of poison or possibly meteor crater, so I enjoy responsibly and then chop back as soon as the berries are done. Look at the SIZE of the berries this year. That sweet taste of summer. 🌱
It’s funny what went wild and what is still just poking along. Mai Tai dahlia though— flourishing.
Well, the veggies are a jungle now. I had one lemon cucumber ready for picking and lots more on the way.
I’ve been away from my garden for a full week. I’ve been distracted by the beach and the joy of relaxation and haven’t fretted overmuch about it. But we go home tomorrow and now I urgently want to get my hands in the dirt and give some love to my dahlias, peppers, roses, tomatoes, zinnias, squash…🌱
Zinnias, glads, roses and dahlias bringing soft colors to the cottage garden 🌱
What I’m scared the Democrats are planning right now.
Natures garden. 🌱 A few little flowers along the edge of the bluff that caught my eye this foggy morning.
Early morning negative tide walk. We love to walk out beyond the rocks that are usually underwater during regular tides. The rock they call Wizard’s Hat, Circles in the Sand labyrinth at the point, sea stars and anemones on a usually submerged rock, and emo album cover at the edge of the world.
It’s absolutely massive. This is from a few years ago and the kids are taller than me now, but I am 5 feet and the stump is easily twice that and it’s not even all above ground.
Evening beach walk with the dogs and oldest kid. Our cabin through the mist, Millie chasing her ball next to the massive stump that came in on the big storm in ‘64, Elephant Rocks with kid and dog, and Millie’s resting spot near the stairs.
And then sometimes the beach looks like this. #sockedin
By kid request (a rare situation), for our beach dinner tonight we had fish tacos with local rockfish, slaw with kohlrabi and carrot from our garden, and a chili lime sauce. I can’t eat tortillas so my plate was “deconstructed” which probably means I could charge more for it in a restaurant. 🤣🌮🌱🍽️🍜
Hello from some cute newlyweds* out in the marsh. *23 years, does that still count as newly?
Me and Marf sneaking into the country with our heels full of hot sauce.
Good morning! What’s beautiful where you are today?
Goodnight sunshine. You done real good, kid.
Kicking off date night with n/a beers and picking up a pizza for the kids.
My view for reading on the porch in the sunny breeze.
We took a gorgeous walk on the beach — sunny and warm with no wind, a rarity— and then I made frittata and potatoes for brunch. Tonight my partner and I are having date night at an Italian place with a cute patio. Between now and then I’ll read my book on the porch and chill.
Brunch on the beach: frittata with sausage and 🌱 garden tomatoes, chard and basil, and roasted potatoes. L🍜🍽️
We took a gorgeous walk on the beach this morning, wandered to town for new hoodies and ice cream, and had roast pork and rice for dinner. Also got my ass absolutely whupped in cribbage so I will have to avenge my own honor later.