
More than 160,000 student loan borrowers are now in line to have their balances canceled, bringing the total amount of debt forgiveness allowed under the Biden administration’s policies to $167 billion, the Education Department announced Wednesday.
Biden administration cancels an additional $7.7 billion in student The latest round of debt relief will be delivered to about 160,000 borrowers who are either enrolled in the president’s repayment program, public servants or in repayment for decades.
Interesting. Now stop the genocide.
Agree! Biden should absolutely use his magic wand to stop the genocide! Look, Biden should have suspended arms shipments and called for a cease fire months ago, but no one who knows anything about Netanyahu thinks Biden can stop him.
What? You really think Biden is pressuring Netanyahu? It's not a magic wand, it's policy and a bully pulpit. After all, if the president is so weak he can't stop a colony from committing genocide, why should we fear Trump getting that power?
If you think a country with the 13th highest GDP per capita in the world is a "colony," you're loudly announcing that you're a lazy ignoramus. You also have no idea what the "bully pulpit" is.
I like giving you the benefit of the doubt that you’re not an anti-semite supporter of terrorism, but apparently you don’t have the same problem when casually dropping the genocide supporter label to anyone who puts you on the spot.
The Zionist entity has no right to defend itself against the legitimate resistance of Hamas. Death to the Zionist entity, and Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea. Enjoy your genocide.