
More than 160,000 student loan borrowers are now in line to have their balances canceled, bringing the total amount of debt forgiveness allowed under the Biden administration’s policies to $167 billion, the Education Department announced Wednesday.
Biden administration cancels an additional $7.7 billion in student The latest round of debt relief will be delivered to about 160,000 borrowers who are either enrolled in the president’s repayment program, public servants or in repayment for decades.
That's Joe Biden for you - utterly indistinguishable from Donald Trump. Just your garden variety fascist.
The sarcasm is strong in this one.
Wow that's actually a way more significant amount than I realized. All I know is everyone I know who has done a public service loan forgiveness application after 10 yrs payments got them forgiven without issue by Biden after Betsy DeVos stonewalled them for shit like using the wrong color ink.
Trying to buy off some genocide with this and weed, nice job Joe
Joe Biden isn't conducting genocide.
Interesting. Now stop the genocide.
Agree! Biden should absolutely use his magic wand to stop the genocide! Look, Biden should have suspended arms shipments and called for a cease fire months ago, but no one who knows anything about Netanyahu thinks Biden can stop him.
What? You really think Biden is pressuring Netanyahu? It's not a magic wand, it's policy and a bully pulpit. After all, if the president is so weak he can't stop a colony from committing genocide, why should we fear Trump getting that power?
If you think a country with the 13th highest GDP per capita in the world is a "colony," you're loudly announcing that you're a lazy ignoramus. You also have no idea what the "bully pulpit" is.
When you were typing that, didn't a voice in your head say "wait, this is too stupid to post, especially since I've already shown I have no idea what I'm talking about?" You guys are just like Trumpkins: you're proud to be angry and clueless, so you see people who can think as the enemy.
I like giving you the benefit of the doubt that you’re not an anti-semite supporter of terrorism, but apparently you don’t have the same problem when casually dropping the genocide supporter label to anyone who puts you on the spot.
Cool cancel all of it and stop having an active role in genocide.
You know very well he tried to cancel student debt and the Supreme Court put a stop to that.
No he didn't. He tried to forgive up to $20K to Pell Grant recipients/$10K to non on individuals who qualify. Using the HEROES Act. Only 90% of borrower would have qualified even under his original failure of a follow-through on his campaign promise to cancel debt.
Sorry, did you just write that ONLY 90% would have qualified like that's a bad thing?
Obviously not. Any relief is better than none. What I just wrote was that he didn't try to cancel student debt in line with his campaign promise "Additionally, we should forgive a minimum of $10,000/person of federal student loans." Didn't mention there was limited capacity, did he now?
He never promised to cancel all student debt. Here's what he promised:
"Republicans have remained staunchly opposed to the effort, decrying it as a waste of taxpayers’ money and patently unfair to Americans who never went to college." OK, so let's cancel tax subsidies to large corporations because I don't get one, too. Come on. That's a lame excuse.
Thank you, President Uncle Joe, for making it possible for these young Americans to get on with their lives, unhampered by student debt. Huzzah!
The application is really easy, you just have to climb over a pile of 14,000 dead children to pick up the form.
Student loan debt is about $1.7 trillion. About 7.7 billion seconds ago the treaty of Paris ended the American Revolution. About 1.7 trillion seconds ago homo sapiens began migrating from Africa to southern Europe.
Yeah, but he didn't give me two scoops of ice cream and a cherry on top with it, so I'm just not gonna vote this year
If you don't vote, no bitching about the government. You chose not to participate. From a democrat in an extremely red state.
Only once the two scoops are in the mail with the cherry
Doesn’t this suggest that it would be less expensive, less administration, more efficient, better for society if the government expanded free third level education and not just for the rich ?
edging people with financial stability hopefully the next democratic president will be less kinky
Blue Criminals: "We better try bribing them." Students: "Genocide Joe has got to go!"
Intent on tearing the moral fabric of this country. His dementia powers his obstinacy forward.
My friend had her debt forgiven. Since she works in a grocery store and can barely makes ends meet it's been a huge relief.
I get the feeling that many feel the government is obligated to forgive this debt. 1.) The credit applicant agreed to the amount/terms 2.) Is it a slap in the face for those that went into the military (GI Bill), worked hard for scholarships, and/or worked and paid as they went? What am I missing?