
the latest Snowden leak: his brain from his ears
Assumed it was sarcasm or a dig at their last two candidates.
Snowden is literally a Putin Lapdog so whatever sarcasm he thought he has loses credibility instantly
so proving that the us government is filled with war criminals means nothing now?
It doesn't mean nothing, but it's hard for anyone to seriously believe his "takes" on anything regarding American politics right now, when he can't actually freely state what he believes since he is only allowed to stay in Russia because of an authoritarian who salivates at the destruction of the US
Right. he's done his bit for the world, he should retire. You're never going to have a nuanced take without freedom of information, which he doesn't have now. He lost his freedom of information because of providing the world with information it had a right to, the irony!
It's not this means nothing it's HIS take that means nothing even if it sounded True. You don't just go and praise Nazis just because you hate Soviets like they did and vice versa.