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Fighting Fascism is a full time job
need more everett true comics imo
Carville, it's everybody and we need ya to shut the fuck up.
Listen I’m gonna need someone in the DNC to lock Carville in a broom closet for the next four months, this southern fried foreskin hasn’t won an election since 9/11.
If your entire argument implodes like a cheap submersible at the simple question “and then what happened?”, don’t make it!
I feel like plenty of solid posts were never posted, because—in writing them—the poster realized all of the potential bad faith interpretations (even by those who'd actually agree with them), tried to add more detail to counter that, ran into the character limit, said "Fuck it" and clicked Discard.
“Political sabotage.”  A Memphis ordinance banning police traffic stops for minor offenses has been overruled at the state level. It’s part of a pattern of state-level interventions to curtail city-level police reforms.
Tennessee's Governor Subverted Police Reforms After the Killing of Tyre State Sen. London Lamar called it “a slap in the face.” It's part of a national pattern of attacks on democracy.
There are 17 years between the release of #StarTrek The Motion Picture and Star Trek First Contact It's 2024. 17 years ago, Steve Jobs announced the iPhone.
Dom Mccain posted this on a Facebook group and asked to share it. I am happy to oblige.
Checking the reaction of Israelis to Schumer’s speech, and I can tell that speech landed like a bomb. As said, that’s what everyone is talking about it. Here is ex the IDF Deputy Chief of Staff.
Seeing the Hamas statement about Aaron Bushnell get shared around like it’s a loving tribute elsewhere and fucking come on. They are still Hamas. Nobody is immune to propaganda but I sure thought people were better than *that*.
The biggest challenge in 2024 is to get enough people to actually listen to what Trump and those around him are openly, consistently, and explicitly promising to do once they get back to power. It is utterly deranged, and discounting it as just rhetoric would be a disaster.
This is probably fine
Dug through some images to provide background support for my mom's class and found two interesting ones. The colored one was drawn in 1812 describing workers burning up the factories (The machines), the black-and-white one was in 1896 about capitalists squeeze workers dry.
🚨 PICARD MOVIE??? We may see the continuing adventures of #StarTrekPicard as a movie! A script was revealed to be in the works by Patrick Stewart himself in his episode of the „Happy Sad Confused“ Podcast! What do you think of a Picard Movie? #StarTrek Source:
the most effective thing a studio can do to stop piracy is to name their film something so generic it generates 4000 torrent results
I love it when my internet leftists are posting at the level of a Fox News comment section
oh my god this is the real reason he wanted to stop the jet tracking account isn't it
Zachary Shrewsbury is now the only candidate in WV’s Dem Senate primary since Manchin is no longer running. “As a Marine Corps Veteran, climate justice organizer, and father, Shrewsbury understands the struggle and the value of the working-class people...”
Buffalo wild wings sending me an email 5 years and a half later is the least I’m expecting for anything in 2023
so are buyers just going to look at this and say 'well, close enough!' because seriously lol
Tesla's head of design was showing off this matte black Cybertruck at the Malibu Cars And Coffee over the weekend, which suggest he's... proud of it? has all the pics and snark here:
Here's your reminder to go vote, PARTICULARLY if you live in Ohio, where motions are on the ballot to include abortion as a right in the state's constitution and to legalize weed, as well as Virginia, where Dems hold a slim majority and were able to veto 3 abortion bans this past year
JK Rowling: hello children Rowling: i'm back from genussspect con '23 Stephen King: from what? Clive Barker: it's her terf convention, steve Rowling: IT ISS MORE THAN JUSSST A TERF CONVENTION Rowling: we had nazisss there too