Helen Lawson she/they

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Helen Lawson she/they


Transitioned 17 years ago now & like all I only regret not doing it sooner. 57 but still under guarantee but starting to feel the wear & tear.
Lots of hobbies but don't spend not enough time on any of them. Miss not having a garden.
Atheist & Tea drinker.
Had a no makeup day today. My mental health is finally at a stable point and it's nearly time to get back into the gym. Been a long time.
My new trainers!🥰 I know it's kinda shallow to get confidence from clothes but the tomboy look is always my fall back positions when it comes to looks.
Lovely photo. x If I'm struggling or just trying to avoid a low then I find I must take a walk down to the sea. The view across the Solent to the IOW acts like a hug from an old friend and resets my mind.
Oh well two days of rain & more rain so no pyro shows this weekend. It was still a good weekend at the Hollycombe Model Show. The clear spells were warm and hinted at what a weekend it could have been.
Had Doctors Appointment today so made the most of the nice weather & went for a walk. Sat on Southsea Common for a bite to eat, then Old Portsmouth and back home via Commercial Road. Thankfully no selfies of me in my shorts & white legs.😎
Heading home after a reast on top of the Round Tower just taking in the views. I need to do this at times to ground me. Past the Cathedral and then the War Memorial off the Guildhall Square and home.
Remembering that time (of many) I was an idiot.🤦‍♀️🙄😊 The story behind the photo of me in a suit is actually me going for a job interview at Knight & Lees in Southsea. I'd gone for a storeroom job as it meant I could be out of the way, and besides who wants to
Lovely day out with friends today. We went for a meal at the Anchor Bleu in Bosham, West Sussex, the food was great and the weather so good we went for a walk. My friend continues to take horrible photos of me but I think it's important to show that I exist and that we can still get out there.
'Please don't share' as the final article is more what I want people to see. This is the first steps of a painting of myself I'm having done by a local Pompey artist Katie Munro, called 'Proud not mutilated'. May change that. It took me 40 years to like my body, we should want better for our kids.
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Had to go to the doctors today to arrange more blood tests to monitor my HRT so took advantage of the good weather to go for a long walk. Absolutely love Cornflowers. 🥰 We have a growing number of wildflower beds around the City these days and I'm loving it.
Here's an image from my old garden. Even when the garden as whole could look in need of some love there was always some plants that would lift my day. Dwarf rose my Dad bought and I moved with me to garden at the flat.
Hopefully this will let me sleep, been a long day of memories. The photo is my Dad in WW2 he would have been 102 in a few weeks. He survived convoys & D-Day and was there for me when I transitioned. Then when it was time, I was then his carer, as you pay back love. Miss him x
My dad on his last visit home to Edinburgh and where he was born in East Silver Mills. A beautiful & poignant photo. It's one of those circle of life photos that should remind us (me) that there is a life to go have. x
I did pretty much the same, as transitioning was terrifying to me. Even started laser hair removal before hand. I say it to makes it easier although really it was equally to corner myself into it so I couldn't run from it again. This is about 2/3 year old me. 15 years ago yikes!😊🏳️‍⚧️
Upgraded at 40 now 57 and very happy with who I am. 🏳️‍⚧️♀️🏳️‍🌈
39 and up Bsky - drop a pic with your age 56 and (mainly) still going
I had a wig for the first month or so when I first transitioned, people really didn't notice. We know so we see.
Had a nice trip out with friends yesterday, we went across the pink ferry boat over the River Hamble. A nice meal in a pub and then home. Some days can be good. 😎
Image search on my old hard drive has this time found a pencil sketch I did about ten years ago. Got a good likeness of my body but never could do faces. It's kinda me.😊
Found this photo of me in about 2010 so about 3yrs into transition. By the looks of it I was working on a range of naval guns that I scratch built then took a silicone mould from. Plaster on my hand says I've been gardening. 😊
Please no sharing. x As you may or may not know I'm getting a painting done I've titled, Proud not Mutilated, and was wondering what my arty friends ideas are for a good background colour. The Artist Katie and I are going through some ideas. Original background was stone which might be the answer.
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Me melting in the sun trying to do a selfie next to my information board. After about 5 attempts I gave up. 😊😂
Ok I've cheered up enough to get out the house n do some food shopping. It's sunny here in Pompey so no excuse now. Here's a photo from my old garden to cheer my timeline up. Misery will return later as I always seem to get a return ticket.
Sorry you went through that Selene, those aren't questions that's a verbal assault on a patient. 🫂 For the record this is me in 1977, I was still trans despite the Star Wars mag, although it did take until I was 40.😎🏳️‍⚧️
Sunday I was a year older, 57 now. I was out with the Model Boat/Tank Club so they got me a cake & some bubbly to drink. The wish didn't work & my life is falling apart once more.
When Star Wars was new. Me sitting all smug that I had just spent all my pocket money. Mum wasn't impressed. 😊
Another clay creation from a decade ago. I always asked if their pet had a favourite thing so I could include it somehow. In this case it was Harry's fav sleep pillow.
We have a photo of my little Sis outside the Penguin enclose at Edinburgh zoo back in the 70s... so for her birthday a one year I did a clay sculpt of her & a penguin. Lynne still has it.