Helen Millman

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Helen Millman


Glaciologist. Postdoc at Exeter Uni. Aging millennial indie kid.
Front row seat for the election tonight at a leisure centre in Plymouth. All the glamour and excitement!
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It is five years since the UK put net-zero by 2050 into law. Prime Minister Theresa May, saw the Gorner glacier in Switzerland retreating on her regular hiking visits there. That visual manifestation of our warming world helped persuade her of the need to act. www.politico.eu/article/ther...
Nobody even noticed the Tories’ biggest legacywww.politico.eu Five years ago this week, in the teeth of the Brexit wars, an outgoing Tory prime minister was looking for a legacy. Theresa May settled on net zero —and now it’s on Labour to keep that target aliv…
The aurora over south Devon, UK
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The decline to the seasonal minimum of Antarctic sea ice extent continues. This year is the 2nd lowest on record (behind just last year). More graphs: zacklabe.com/antarctic-se.... Data from nsidc.org/data/seaice_...
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Unless we consider a number of other factors — permanence, albedo, co-emitted GHGs, asymmetry — balancing CO₂ emissions with removals (net zero) will not achieve the intended climate goal. Conversation: theconversation.com/carbon-remov... Article (free link): rdcu.be/dsYVk
“Predicting exactly how much warming is needed to break parts of Thwaites will be harder than predicting coffee cups.” Interview with Richard Alley 👇 science.thewire.in/environment/...
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Another month, another unprecedented climate record. The consequences are all too clear: floods, heatwaves, droughts & storms, all made worse our reliance on burning fossil fuels. Delaying actions to reduce emissions now will commit us all to experience worse future consequences.
If anyone lives in Devon and is interested, I’m giving a talk about Antarctica and COP on 30th November in South Brent. All proceeds are going to Sustainable South Brent. You can get your ticket here: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/cop-on-ice...
COP On Ice ?www.eventbrite.co.uk Find out what's really happening to the world's ice sheets and what it's like to bring science to decision makers at a COP meeting
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Cummings says he was told by the "data people" he brought into government that Cabinet Office "was asking the wrong questions and misinterpreting the answers" when asking for work from SAGE - the question of how scientific advice is used in government is such an important lesson from the inquiry
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End of feed.