
I think this is the fundamental asymmetry underlying every aspect of the conflict between the parties; you see it in the Senate, in gerrymandering, in the use of executive power I don't want King Biden either, but it's long past time to make the GOP afraid of the consequences of endless escalation
I honestly believe that a lot of conservative strategizing is based on the correct assumptions that liberals would never be as ruthless as they are.
And here's the thing: we don't have to be as ruthless as they are. We just have to be aggressive and principled and work to do good things and hold bad people accountable.
The “when they go low, we go high” approach has pretty clearly been shown to only embolden them further at this point. What we need to do is, as the other skeet said, give the bully a fat lip so that they’re warned off from continuously stealing our lunch money and unilaterally escalating.
I think we agree. It's that when MO said "we go high," she meant we don't really do anything. We can do stuff without being immoral. Boldness, not immorality, is what makes a difference.
Random hot (really medium) take: I always felt she just meant Dems didn't need to be vulgar to win elections. (The Obamas were dealing with outright and thinly veiled racism.) The high road doesn't mean letting injustices stand or even being dishonest about the GOP to be polite.