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self-published author of a Zelda fansite. best viewed in Netscape Navigator 3.0
It's taken this long but I am finally watching Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) and it kicks ass
Can’t take you to Funky Town. I have a warrant for my arrest in Funky Town
I love ordering shit from McMaster-Carr. You hit "Place Order" on the cart page and it's instantly "Thank you for your order." Before long you get a text: "We shipped the socket head screws. You will receive them Thursday." Such confidence
Reposted byAvatar HELLGORITHM
The difference between national hero and hated failure has never been measured in actual centimeters until now
If you liked "but her emails" memes, you're gonna love "but his stutter" memes
idk who needs to hear this outside the appointed tech leads at my current gig, but while Elixir's pattern matching is a beautiful feature of the language, its advantage is not that it's supposed to free you from coming up with good names for your functions
I once had an interview where I was asked to write FizzBuzz, and then iteratively make it more flexible and sophisticated as the CTO demanded new or more complicated rules. In the end he declared "this is the most elegant implementation of FizzBuzz I've ever seen", and ngl it was a proud moment
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic; finally, a city builder where you can place Lenin statues without having to mod it in
Wife wants to watch an America-ass movie due to the holiday. She wants The Patriot (her dad loved it) and I’m like na, this is a calling for Bullworth if I’ve ever heard one
The new manager that was assigned to my team late last year loves to open DMs to you with "Hey buddy" and I just gotta say, I hate that
This is such a cool, normal thing to say
Non-voters are livestock, not citizens. They have no power. What they want is not important. They are to be fed and watered and harvested by the owners
Tang dynasty era figurines of various Chinese Zodiac animals, aka From Soft mobs
When dogs piss on things they're basically leaving From Soft messages on the ground that only other dogs can see
Reposted byAvatar HELLGORITHM
[Thread] Some bad map projections I’ve drawn: #45: Exterior Kansas xkcd.com/2951
Literally every engineer I talk to at my current gig wants to leave this place, even if it means accepting a pay cut. If the job market were to improve, they would lose 90% of their staff overnight. Unfortunately the market seems likely to get worse before it gets better
If you don't show a player a shiny item on a corpse hanging over an unreachable ledge that they will later find themselves on top of, grabbing that item while also taking in a vista of the road they traveled to get there, are you even doing level design
I had to stop myself from going deeper to get ready for bed. SotE is not a DLC, it's a sequel priced like a quality DLC.
The disdain for creative work is palpable, but a bit more subtle is the tacit admission that AI “creative” output is of particularly low quality
OpenAI CTO Mira Murati: “Some creative jobs maybe will go away, but maybe they shouldn't have been there in the first place if the content that comes out of it is not very high quality.”
Roundup: OpenAI says some artistic jobs shouldn’t existdisconnect.blog Read to the end for a good overview of failing social media platforms
SotE is fucking sick as hell. It is hard, especially if you insist on beating it without summons (I do, at least for my first playthrough). But it's so goddamn good
I've yet to even beat the "intended" first legacy dungeon boss of the Elden Ring DLC and it's just vast. "About the size of Limgrave" was laughably underselling it.
Love working at an engineering org where if I get an email with the subject line in ALL CAPS, that just means I can almost definitely ignore it
The Elden Ring DLC drop has turned a number of YouTubers who are not ordinarily game streamers into temporary game streamers
Reposted byAvatar HELLGORITHM
gimme fuel gimme fire gimme hobbits in the shire
I got absolute shit for sleep last night and cannot beat Mohg in this state, so despite counting down the hours, I'll likely not be getting into the DLC today, which is sad
I have come across this blog by a frustrated software developer a couple times this year and it should be required reading for everyone in the industry today (not just this individual post, but the whole blog): ludic.mataroa.blog/blog/i-will-...
I Will Fucking Dropkick You If You Use That Spreadsheet — Ludicityludic.mataroa.blog
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Cool, but not quite as cool as the mural at the Kansas state capitol:
A nice $1 find at Erie’s big summer book sale. #history #skystorians