
How centrism descends into fascism
Alt-text: "Meet me in the middle, says the unjust man. You take a step toward him. He takes a step back. Meet me in the middle, says the unjust man." "Beware of requests for compromise when you are asking for justice and the other side is asking for consent to continue."
The last time someone said, "Meet me in the middle," I took several steps backward. I had closed too much of the gap myself already. I backed to the halfway point between our actual positions. It did not go over well, and they're no longer in my life because they refused to actually compromise
They think ordering people to negotiate and compromise is a negotiation and a compromise 😭
also through naivety of people who think it's 5D chess to do good things when it's just the naked ideology of always moving further right because that is what they believe
the gullibility of liberals who never learn bc their material and privilege reality gives them no pressure to
They assume they must be really good at Politics because of their privilege and that anyone complaining must be in need of education.
That's why I consider myself centrist but vote left - centrist politicians do not represent me, feel like fascism enablers.
the left isn't on the ballot, at least not for a chance to power, even jill stein is just a centrist in that sense, nothing on the ballot offers a different system to the eternal destructive power of establishment's capitalism
Oh sorry, should have mentioned I'm not a US citizen. My country has options (but as usual, all suck, but magnitudes less than how it is in US). Wish you guys had deeper choices than evil, lesser evil and trolling.
i'm in the UK and we have no options, closest we get is the green but nobody trusts them, it's nice on paper, but they sold out to US foreign policy and forever war and it's again like Stein just more centrism, just rolling back a few of the worst excesses of neoliberalism, so it's all a sham
Oh yes, UK also has it bad. Wishing you luck for next election cycles
starmer is gonna win, he's gonna be hated bc he doesn't change hack shit, just lays groundwork for nigel farage, our right winger, is gonna win in 5ys again and just lay waste
Liberalism is ill-equipped to handle fascism. This is one of the cleanest, simplist ways of explaining it I've see.
Could this be considered unconscious shame masking as engaging conversation just to sway it toward the point they’d best feel comfortable?
right wingers ask centrists to compromise, and centrists find this easy to do because they really believe those right wing talking points anyway so you eternally have the centre moving right ad infinitum, also simply pressure from pressure groups, self-selection based on ppl who are compliant etc.
lobbies etc. always rightwards, always moving in a way to make the rich richer and the powerful more powerful because centrists align with power
There is no left or right. This guy's mixing metaphors. If you can't have a conversation with someone you disagree with, while maintaining your position, was your position worth maintaining in the first place?
no idea what you mean with no left and right. open your eyes either way centrists don't care, centrists simply really believe the things those right wingers they cede ground to ad infinitum believe too, it's not a loss moving ever rightwards, bc that DOES NOT THREATEN ESTABLISHMENT POWER
the new centre is always moving further and further right marginalising even the most moderate left positions, if you can't see that that's centrism at work, you are trapped seeing the world from the overton window shaped by outright genocidal right wing freaks
Not everything is politics. There's no Overton window in a good conversation.
very difficult to reply to someone who is obviously in some sort of deep denial about the nature of our political reality
Losing it at someone replying "not everything is politics" in response to a skeet that was clearly about politics
I live in California, so I'm insulated from most of it. Our political reality often has nothing to do with day to day life. It's good to find distance from it from time to time. Don't worry, I'm still plugged in; all politics are local. And by that I mean local politics matter more.