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Reposted byAvatar mjc0961
I call this nest placement The Pants Changer
Reposted byAvatar mjc0961
goooood morning it is cool and overcast but the day will warm up fast - so let’s get rolling before the sun comes out, because cooler is better than warmer when Dogs Want Walks
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Alright Tesla haters, the truth hurts and you need to know that the Cybertruck looks pretty cool if you do this one weird trick
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grass toucher ft today’s bandana 🐌
The Gamers™ are fucking exhausting
Can't sign into Xbox because of DEI
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I'm talking to Sammie about election law
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The discourse about replacing Biden has gotten rancid. Might I suggest we all find unity in our one true love, hating cyber trucks and laughing at their owners?
Fan Boy Finally Questions Tesla After 2 Broken Tesla Cybertrucks In 4 Monthsjalopnik.com The owner's second Cybertruck was essentially a giant brick in the hands of Tesla Service
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Me, this summer and every summer.
Reposted byAvatar mjc0961
👉the ratchet effect👈
How centrism descends into fascism
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How centrism descends into fascism
Reposted byAvatar mjc0961
A reminder to all companies that I was not put here on Earth to take your stupid surveys. Stop nagging me for feedback. If I bother to respond at all, it will always be the lowest possible rating and a note to stop nagging me. 😡
Begging YouTube to actually pick up on years of my watch history and realize that watching game retrospectives does not mean I am going to watch part 35 of a let's play 😫
A-ha! I'm watching this retrospective from someone playing the Wii version of Prime 2 and they also complained about having absurd difficulty hitting the weak point of the Grapple Guardian! It's not just me! Vindication! 😁 youtu.be/QeQNsF5eJUU
Is the Wii/Trilogy version of this game a shitty port? Is that what's going on here?
Metroid Prime Trilogy Retrospective | Going Above and Beyondyoutu.be It's about damn time, isn't it? It's been a long time coming - this is my Metroid Prime Trilogy retrospective! Chapters: 0:00 - Introduction 2:20 - The Conce...
Reposted byAvatar mjc0961
Just a funny comic for pals to read!!
Reposted byAvatar mjc0961
like what goes on inside their brains? is it too leaded for the neurons to fire properly? are there only a handful of brain cells floating around clacking into each other like billiards? it confounds me. it makes no damn sense. compels me though
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capital-G Gamers fascinate me so much because i cannot fathom the mind of an individual who insists so heavily that the existence of any sort of minority within a game is inherently political, yet also is completely incapable of recognizing when the game is actively making fun of them for bigotry.
Reposted byAvatar mjc0961
it’s almost walk o’clock
You're never gonna believe this, but it didn't arrive today
Now USPS is telling me that a package that hasn't departed Florida yet is going to arrive here in New York tomorrow Mashing X to doubt a lot
Reposted byAvatar mjc0961
this webform bein real accusatory rn
Reposted byAvatar mjc0961
Automakers are finally starting to call out Tesla's uniquely dangerous and fraudulent approach to driving automation! Here's Mercedes-Benz's head of autonomous driving Jochen Haab: www.drive.com.au/news/tesla-f...
Reposted byAvatar mjc0961
anyway the sun came OOOUUUT
Reposted byAvatar mjc0961
pro tip: if they can imprison Steve Bannon for ignoring a legally-issued Congressional subpoena, they can imprison Jim Jordan for ignoring a legally-issued Congressional subpoena. this isn't fucking rocket science
Reposted byAvatar mjc0961
She have hot
Was walking Miga on my block and she just sort of stopped walking. I said to her “what’s up babe? Why’d you stop walking?” At that exact moment an older woman walked by and, in a Slavic accent and tone of voice that heavily suggested I was a moron, said “it is because she have hot”
Reposted byAvatar mjc0961
goooood morning it is cool and cloudy and yes I’m running late - we have a houseguest coming for a week and things are hectic, but never fear: Dogs Got Walks (thanks, husband!)