
Proud to have been part of the team that computationally analyzed the New York Times' biased coverage of Israel and Palestine. This is part of a broader effort by Writers Against the War On Gaza, who released today a tour-de-force exposé of NYT:
Thank you for this. I think one of the most important tasks in front of the left is tearing down the NYT being the national "Paper of Record", but nothing is there to fill the gap except more orgs controlled by capital.
Given the ACLU backing the right for marketing purposes and facing 4 justices being fascist co-counsel and one whose vote was decided when the check cleared when they're not, topped with them going after the NLRB, I'd say it's time for the center-left to shift money from them to message distribution
liberals and leftists rabbit season/duck season about why Hilary lost but I hope at some point we can look toward the camera and see that the national media, especially the NYT, are Elmer Fudd on that one. I can't decide to what degree this is a shitpost
That's a project we (the left) have been working on since NYT proudly proclaimed that prison time had rehabilitated Hitler after the Bierhall Putsch, and that he would never do anything so egregious again -- in 1924:
Agreed, though it's taken a definite turn since control passed down the ol nepo line in 1997.
That's fair, but it's hard to defend any era of the NYT since they supported literal Hitler a century ago.
Oh, I'm not defending the NYT, just saying it got even more explicit in its fascism in 1997
Here's a new one for the books
Nice work. It reminds me of a Spy Magazine story in the late '80s that purported to have found the NYT's formula for how much space a given story would get, using a list of variables (one was left vague so they could make the math work). One variable was "proximity to NYT offices or Tel Aviv."
Hopefully, nyt will evaluate and change. I believe we need legacy news sources.
Impressive work. (As an aside you wish a similar analysis was done by others of NYT coverage of Trump and Biden, etc).
Has the Israeli death toll really been that flat? I know it's completely lopsided but had assumed there was some back and forth.
Talked to the team; we didn't have data on the daily casualty count for Israel/IDF, but looked at news reports pub'd at various times to find updates. Turns out incorporating changes in Israeli death toll ended up accounting to less than a single pixel difference in height on the graph at that scale
Where does the data on Palestinian casualties come from?
Ultimately from the Gaza Ministry of Health—the only source AFAIK for casualty data in Gaza. We found the data online from the Humanitarian Data Exchange: However, as has been widely reported, the data is likely vastly undercounting. This is from Reuters on Dec 22:
That source is a brutal terrorist group, not a real "ministry". UN is hardly reliable in this case as these are all under control of Hamas, not 3rd party observers. While I believe a huge number of civilian casualties happened, it's completely impossible to rely on those reports in this conflict.
So which organisation do you think could provide an accurate estimate of civilian casualties?
Is the data or code for this available anywhere?
There's a methods & data appendix here: The data is there aggregated/already processed, but doc explains how it's derived from a list of NYT URLs we link. We are being v v conservative with what we're releasing to avoid any legal concern but DM me if you have Qs
The New York War Crimes | “All the Consent That’s Fit to Manufacture”
Cool thanks. There are no DMs on here yet, unfortunately, but that answered my Q (and you're right to be safe!).