
as much as i think that debate was bad for biden i also find myself contemptuous of the assorted libs having a full blown panic attack
Also foolish. Spin is what matters and it's not hard to spin Biden's performance. He's a mumbly old man who was right on substance, Trump is a convicted felon, an insurrectionist, and a drooling, senile fascist who wants a national abortion ban.
This is what’s driving me nuts. Why the hell are all the “Democratic thought leaders” taking turns kicking the Democratic candidate instead of busting their asses spinning like they should be?!? Why are they doing the Trump campaign’s job for them?
making me sick waking up to people talking like this rather than acknowledging reality and doing everything to replace him. He lost soooo many Democrats' votes last night. It's over. Don't stay in the fiery building.
Oh please. Anyone who changed their vote based on this has a brain of tapioca pudding and will change their vote back based on their horoscope before November.
It's actually very smart serious people who are horrified by what's occurred. You don't have to agree but it's not just morons. The people circling the wagons this morning look more like the tapioca swuad. We haven't even had the convention yet, thank god.
No "very smart person" is changing their vote based on this, by definition. Spineless Chicken Littles are going to be the death of the Democrats and possibly the country.