Z.V. Anjali

Z.V. Anjali


Author of sci-fi, fantasy, and mystery stories, including "Surya Gets a Lawyer" (https://www.frivolouscomma.com/fiction/surya-gets-a-lawyer/).
Reposted by Z.V. Anjali
In my global inequality class I show this video on Argentine citizens holding ex-dictators accountable for crimes. "Escraches" were a big tactic, involving protests at their homes, embarrassing them in front of their neighbors, & not letting them live normal lives. www.nytimes.com/video/opinio...
Do you remember folks were picketing Supreme Court Justices' homes a couple of years ago? They're back! At Justice Roberts' home today. Short thread with video on Twitter: x.com/LiteraryMous...
Video: Opinion | Atención! Murderer Next Doorwww.nytimes.com What to do when your neighbors have carried out crimes against humanity.
Reposted by Z.V. Anjali
AP story waits until paragraph 16 to mention police & prosecutors are accused of conspiring to protect the cop who's apparently the real killer, until then making him seem like a lone wolf
Just a jaw-dropper from the state whose attorney general is currently trying to execute an innocent man. innocenceproject.org/missouri-cir...
Missouri woman who has served more than 40 years for murder is declared innocent by judgewww.nbcnews.com She must be freed or retried for the 1980 murder within 30 days, a judge ruled, but the Missouri AG has asked an appeals court to review the judge's decision.
Reposted by Z.V. Anjali
Congrats to all the profs at elite law schools who loudly vouched for John Roberts and Neil Gorsuch when they were nominated. Hope you placed your students in some nice clerkships.
Reposted by Z.V. Anjali
The reason the NYT is publishing this piece is because your calls are working. Keep it up! Call Hochul and tell her that the MTA has already lost $2.5 million since yesterday due to her decision to block congestion pricing. It needs to go into effect NOW. ☎️: 518-474-8390
Reposted by Z.V. Anjali
This is the tell for me. Trump’s lawyers claimed total immunity but SCOTUS is rewriting it for them so they can basically just make up official acts to cover Republican Presidents but bind Democratic ones.
The latter, with Jan 6 and its related conspiracies hovering in the background. The Court phrased the question as whether “a former President enjoy(s) presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct alleged to involve official acts during his tenure in office.”
Reposted by Z.V. Anjali
Agreed. If this is going down, let's have it on our terms.
maybe seizing and arresting the Supreme Court majority for aiding and abetting an attempt to overthrow the U.S. government can be a "core constitutional duty" and an "official act," why not
Reposted by Z.V. Anjali
Legal pundits over time Dec 1, 2023: SCOTUS will reject Trump's appeal on an expedited basis Dec 22, 2023: They are letting the DC Circuit handle it to not even dignify it. Feb 28, 2024: The are taking the case on appeal but will completely reject the claim. June: SCOTUS says Trump is your God/King
Reposted by Z.V. Anjali
From Jackson’s dissent. I believe the way this works in combination with Loper-Bright is really insidious, but ofc it’s not gonna get the headlines.
Reposted by Z.V. Anjali
March again for congestion pricing!
Reposted by Z.V. Anjali
March again for congestion pricing!
Reposted by Z.V. Anjali
Reposted by Z.V. Anjali
Hardly the first evidence of this but Columbia has gone completely ‘round the bend. They put three deans on suspension because some creep from the Free Beacon looked over their shoulders and saw them writing snarky texts?!? You do not take orders from these people!
Reposted by Z.V. Anjali
I think one reason the American right is so insane is that the only actual historical conservative tradition in this country is slavery and Jim Crow, but this can't be admitted
Today in there’s nothing new under the sun: In 1903 a white hotel worker became a right wing celebrity for being fired after refusing to make booker t washington’s bed because he was black and a bunch of people around the country raised thousands of dollars on her behalf
Reposted by Z.V. Anjali
happy belated 5-year anniversary to what is, for my money, the greatest political post of all time
Reposted by Z.V. Anjali
hm maybe this juneteenth, you can donate to help your pal pilot (& friends) bring a bookstore to Queens?? mostly used books but with a small and very curated selection of new books focused on Black authors, Black liberation, abolition, and other queer & radical texts? and coffee!! gofund.me/e09c57ab
Help us bring a Worker-Owned Bookstore to Astoria, organized by No Borders Collective Bookstoregofund.me Hi Astoria! We are No Borders Collective, a worker-owned book… No Borders Collective Bookstore needs your support for Help us bring a Worker-Owned Bookstore to Astoria
Reposted by Z.V. Anjali
Reposted by Z.V. Anjali
NEW: Today, a group of House Democrats is launching a new task force to combat Trump's "dystopian" policy plans if he wins in Nov. “We have to mount the resistance in real time," said Rep. Jared Huffman. "If we’re caught off guard by it, we’re going to be too late." www.huffpost.com/entry/house-...
House Democrats Launch Task Force To Counter Trump’s ‘Dystopian’ Policy Planswww.huffpost.com “We have to mount the resistance in real time,” warned Rep. Jared Huffman, who wants to be prepared with legislation if Trump wins in November.
Reposted by Z.V. Anjali
I'm pretty furious that Hochul and Adams are wasting my time every week like this. I could have used this time to write a few hundred VoteForward letters to help get out the D vote for November. Instead, I'm heading off damage from my own D leaders in a deep blue state. Ridiculous.
Reposted by Z.V. Anjali
ACTION ALERT: Contact Governor Kathy Hochul & say that you are against banning masks in NY, & she should issue a statement retracting her comments on CNN supporting a mask ban. Call: 518-474-8390 (press 1 to leave a message, press 2 to speak to a person) Write: www.governor.ny.gov/content/gove...
Governor Contact Formwww.governor.ny.gov
Reposted by Z.V. Anjali
In the last week, Kathy Hochul has: - attempted to cancel congestion pricing (so increasing pollution) - issued a warning about hazardous air quality in NY state - said she wants to ban respiratory masks in public
Reposted by Z.V. Anjali
Reading this newly discovered mind-blowing "slave narrative" by Harriet Jacobs' brother John Swanson Jacobs, who fled slavery and became a Black sailor. It is untouched by white abolitionist editors and published in an Australian newspaper. The narrative is unfiltered, raw, and radical. 🗃️
End of feed.