Chancery Daily

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Chancery Daily

“like bill nye the science guy but for the delaware court of chancery” but here I’m just a baby raccoon account

dm me ol’ fashioned at chance at chancerydaily dot com

learn something ffs:
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like im doing great but im squinting at an incoming nuke like damn that’s crazy
same tbh
The only way I'm walking into the sea is if I've got my arms full of as many of these shitbirds as I can physically drag under the waves with me.
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Yep. One of the biggest blind spots people have is assuming that underneath, others share the same basic values as them. They have trouble imagining an ideology that is completely misaligned with theirs.
wait what
wake up babe new* endosymbiotic organelle just dropped. They confirmed it's more than just symbiosis when they saw it absorbing whole proteins from the host! *100 million years old, but that's new compared to billions-years old mitochondria and chloroplasts
Scientists discover first nitrogen-fixing In two recent papers, an international team led by UC Santa Cruz scientists describe the first known nitrogen-fixing organelle within a eukaryotic cell. The organelle is the fourth example in history ...
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The DE Campaign to End Debtors' Prison just won a significant legislative victory: SB 282, SB 283, & SB 284 just passed both houses! If the gov signs 'em, these bills will eliminate a SLEW of awful, unjust fees. There's more to do - pass "ability to pay" legislation, for one - but it's a big win!
Delaware Campaign to End Debtors' The Delaware Campaign to End Debtors' Prison seeks a world where one's poverty does not affect how they are punished in the criminal justice system. Learn more about these issues and how you can take ...
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The GOP is quickly becoming a party defined by issues on which 70% of the population disagrees with them. Dobbs and gun regulation has exposed this, and now same goes for GOPs increasing embrace of anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and policies. And yet this race is 50/50. Gift link.
Analysis | The GOP’s sudden turn away from gay rights — and The right wing of the party has re-injected LGBTQ+ rights and issues into our political discussion in recent years. There are real signs it’s having an effect.
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super excited for the day AI will be able to take over the most tedious tasks of daily life such as making art, engaging with art, maintaining human relationships, etc., so that I can focus on my true passion: creating value for shareholders
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I’m so heartsick about this. I’m a weirdo autistic lawyer who *really loves* the analytics of commercial litigation. I feel like the kid in the candy store that I get to do this professionally. Both the process and the substance of this is so depressing.
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The modern Right will absolutely destroy the lives of thousands of harmless children for a drop of political power. They know that hate and fear are powerful and gleefully cultivate them.
stories like this give the lie to the idea that the right is interested in protecting these children. per their own narrative, this girl is a victim of “gender ideology” or whatever. but the reaction from the right is always hostility, ostracization and violence.
Mom of transgender girl athlete says Florida's investigation has destroyed her daughter's A Florida public school employee who faces firing because she allowed her transgender daughter to play girls high school volleyball assailed those who outed her child, saying Tuesday that the ensuing ...
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Today's Delaware House Judiciary Com meeting on SB 313 was enlightening in many respects. This exchange (1:20-1:33), btwn Rep. Sean Lynn & expert witness Prof. Usha Rodrigues is a *masterclass* of policy discussion – highlighting the bill's many deficiencies
House Judiciary Committee House Judiciary Committee Meeting
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The hearing was notable, too, for how the bill's proponents DID NOT DEIGN to address, in any significant way, the many questions raised by business ppl, lawyers, & profs about the text, its effects, or the drafting process. In fact, they repeated, near-verbatim, the script from the Senate hearing.
Today's Delaware House Judiciary Com meeting on SB 313 was enlightening in many respects. This exchange (1:20-1:33), btwn Rep. Sean Lynn & expert witness Prof. Usha Rodrigues is a *masterclass* of policy discussion – highlighting the bill's many deficiencies
House Judiciary Committee House Judiciary Committee Meeting
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This wasn't too surprising; the Delaware Way is not a dialogue, after all. But it was as a sign of disrespect to the other legislators (perhaps intentional?) who DID raise questions, and DID call other witnesses to give the matter full consideration. Kudos to those folks, & esp. Rep. Wilson-Anton
The hearing was notable, too, for how the bill's proponents DID NOT DEIGN to address, in any significant way, the many questions raised by business ppl, lawyers, & profs about the text, its effects, or the drafting process. In fact, they repeated, near-verbatim, the script from the Senate hearing.
y'all should watch this
And last but very expressly least, if you want to see me thunder on from a bad camera angle – for *exactly* my one allotted minute of time – and hear my brief take about how passing this bill would bring Woodrow Wilson's mistakes to Delaware ... well, you can see that here (1:43:48)
House Judiciary Committee House Judiciary Committee Meeting
I think it was already suspect, now it’s proven.
Mystifying to me that shareholders would vote for redomestication, except insofar as they all think the company's value is tied to conceding to Musk's whims at which point maybe the entire model of a publicly held company is suspect.
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“The vote which we are pretending was fully informed and definitely not coerced and which followed the recommendation of a one person special committee which was definitely super independent and very diligent”
Tesla asks to postpone the July 8th hearing in front of Chancellor McCormick so that the parties can address the issues arising from the “impact of the vote.”
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SB 313 - the bill that will gut the Delaware General Corporation Law to fit the temporary whims of over-their-skis private equity dudes - is on the agenda for a hearing in the House Judiciary at Noon on Tues June 18. Details on how to attend, watch & give a comment (in person or virtually) here
Meeting Notice - Delaware General
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This is probably the last time any human members of the public who are not privately funding specific Delaware legislators’ campaigns will have an opportunity to affect the course of this rushed and unwise legislation
SB 313 - the bill that will gut the Delaware General Corporation Law to fit the temporary whims of over-their-skis private equity dudes - is on the agenda for a hearing in the House Judiciary at Noon on Tues June 18. Details on how to attend, watch & give a comment (in person or virtually) here
Meeting Notice - Delaware General
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A conversational update on the status of Delaware’s rush to implement private equity’s worst ideas, to the nation’s detriment. (My amateur citizen’s observations are leavened by actual expertise on the law and DE politics, don’t worry)
🚨Ep298 Senate of Ill Repute🚨 Historian & legal expert discuss the opposition to the Corp Law bill SB 313 at the Judiciary Committee. (Bill passed the committee anyway via anonymous vote & passed a floor vote unanimously.)
E298 - Senate of Ill Repute (w/ Dael Norwood, Chancery Daily) | R.E. Get more from R.E. Vanella on Patreon
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i just want zoomers to know that computers were actually useful once. before the iphone/ipad/android/chromebook, computers ran software that was just like a program that did what it was supposed to do. also the internet used to have a lot of cool stuff on it that didn't give you an anxiety disorder
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tells you all you need to know about the usefulness of the benefit corp form
Source: Sam Altman recently told some investors that OpenAI is considering changing to a for-profit benefit corporation that its nonprofit board doesn't control (The Information) Main Link | Techmeme Permalink
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🚨Ep298 Senate of Ill Repute🚨 Historian & legal expert discuss the opposition to the Corp Law bill SB 313 at the Judiciary Committee. (Bill passed the committee anyway via anonymous vote & passed a floor vote unanimously.)
E298 - Senate of Ill Repute (w/ Dael Norwood, Chancery Daily) | R.E. Get more from R.E. Vanella on Patreon
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"generally find Elon Musk useful, in that he makes it clear which things in America are actually hard boundaries (contract law, maybe copyright law) and which are merely conventions (most everything else)" stop preempting my WIPs thanks
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🚨Ep297 Market Practice🚨 The Corp Law changes have been delivered from Mt Sinai (Delaware Bar) explains shareholder agreements, prospective stockholders & how market practice evolves into illegal acts (so says the Court of Chancery)
E297 - Market Practice (w/ Chancery Daily) | R.E. Get more from R.E. Vanella on Patreon
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