
My first proposal was to order some large proportion of the fleet of federal vehicles to park in the SCOTUS parking lots. Not all crimes are horrible, like assassination. Some are just petty, annoying ways of making it clear how crazy it is to give the President this much power.
One of my commenters suggests relocating the Court to a remote island. Not the nice tropical paradise kind; the guano-covered rock kind.
Point being: there's no need to do genuinely awful things. There are oh so many alternatives that make the point just as well.
Have we fully considered the possibilities opened up by the fact that the Supreme Court building is federal property? BUBBLEGUM SCENTED AIR FRESHENER IN THE HVAC DUCTS.
Just shut the HVAC off. No heat no ac
Make the current Supreme Court building a homeless shelter. They did say it’s now illegal to sleep outdoors, so.
Just open up their sessions to the public. With video. Watch how they react to that.
Reassign all the clerks and move them to somewhere else in the federal government; quadruple the Supreme Court’s caseload
We can't do anything about their caseload; it's up to them to decide when to grant cert. I imagine Biden could, however, reassign the entire secretarial staff. Maybe even spend the budget or office supplies on quills and ink, as the Framers intended.
Who knew? (You, apparently. :) )
Practicing lawyers seemed to think that Congress taking control of the federal docket or returning to the pre-1925 status quo is never going to happen, but I’m sure some sort of judicial reform will be passed in the next Democratic Congress
The Guano Islands Act let 19th-century sailors claim deserted guano islands for the USA. We had over 100 of these and still own 10, militarily administered by the president. If we save one for Trump's exile, that leaves 9 for the justices. (Kagan, Sotomayor and Jackson should get first pick.)
North Dakota, but only in session November-March
Laredo, Texas. I'm kind enough to let them keep their current schedule, but I'm not sure Congress has the funds to appropriate for AC