
Fanfic. The only option is Harris. Period. She is Biden's running mate. People voted for her. There is no -- NO -- way to ask her to step aside that is not insulting. None. The article says that people would be "captivated." Wrong; this would guarantee a million Dems In Disarray stories.
Hey you guys wanna see the dumbest plan to replace Biden possible?
If Biden steps aside, the only way to do it is cleanly, with no superfluous drama. We do not want to be "captivated." 🤮
kind of insulting isn't it? The punditry would be "captivated" by the chaos, "watch the process unfold!" while they sit on the sidelines and criticize and cherry pick their way thru the chaos. Be nice if they could find a hobby that didn't put the fate of the nation in the balance.
And no matter how positive the campaign is, nor how united the party is, every story will be about the chaos.
Honestly, the Trump era has taught me that as Americans we can't help but slow down and look at the car crash on the highway. We absolutely love being captivated with a good shit show.
We do not then vote for the drivers, though.
The media hasn't been able to write a "Democrats in Disarray" since 2018, and they're very much in withdrawal. "Biden is old" is their attempt to get a fix.
so hey, quick question to everyone involved. do ppl remember what "the blitz" refers to? because it sure as fuck isn't to a constructive/productive thing...
It is telling that that's their word choice. They seem to be communicating their intentions and those intentions in no way involve concern for the well-being of the country.
Also too a lot of the boring rules are written into state law and state party bylaws. There is no such thing as a blitz primary.
Oh, we'd be captivated, just seething rage instead of awe
Yes. People refer to Trump Derangement syndrome, but, OMFG, they haven't seen what's going around now. We've got folks insisting we didn't see what we saw. We've got folks ignoring the primary votes in Biden's hand dreaming up a dream team out of Fantasy Politics. If Biden goes, we get Harris.
The problem is that nobody voted for her to be the candidate for president. Running for re-election is not a presidential duty. Presidents endorse their VP but does that mean they get to say that *only* their VP may be the nominee? Not asking her to step aside, asking for a real vote. I want to win!
I think it's like this: You and your friends are deciding where to meet. There is one really obvious place to converge on, but if you set it aside, everyone will want to meet at *their* favorite place, and a freeforall will ensue.
Also, speaking as someone who cast a vote for the Biden/Harris ticket in 2020 and in this year's primary: anyone who wasn't voting for both, in either race, should have thought more about Biden's age.
What good or difference would thinking about Biden’s age have done? He said he was running and no one challenged him. I didn’t have the opportunity to consider, ok, if the nominee isn’t Biden, who do I want it to be?
You absolutely had the opportunity to think: if Biden dies or is incapacitated, am I OK with Harris? And not thinking about this would be odd, given Biden's age.
Biden is the nominee bc we voted LACKING important information. You want to coronate Harris with a similar lack of information — how will she perform? Primaries wld have been the best way to get this info but it is a month til the convention, enuf time to put a handful of top Dems thru their paces.
This strikes me as a ridiculous way to talk about a core institution in our democracy, one of the two major parties.
OK, how's this: there is one person who is the obvious person to choose, and who, in addition, people actually did vote for. If you do not choose her, every politician who wants to be President, which is a lot of politicians, will say "choose me!", and a freeforall will ensue.
How this is not an exact analogy to what I wrote earlier is not clear to me.
Friends disagreeing over where to have a meal is a trivial way of talking about a political party that must pick its best candidate in order to prevent the rise of fascism
The VP is on the ticket though. We do vote for them too. Anyone who cast a vote for Biden was also voting that they'd be fine with Harris as president if anything happened to Biden.
The VP takes over if the president dies in office or leaves office in some other way. Neither of these has happened. When the president finishes his second term, the vice president is not automatically the next nominee for president.
Or even as in the current case the president leaves office after one term
Never said they were. But we had a primary this year in which a large majority picked the Biden/Harris ticket. I voted for Warren in 2020 and uncommitted this year. I'm not saying this as a Biden stan, just as someone living in reality. Forcing them both off the ticket wld be a political disaster.
There is no question that Biden must step aside for the good of the country. Why is the call for some kind of open convention automatically labeled “forcing Harris” off the ticket? She would be in the running! Why is it hers by fiat? She has receive not one single vote to be the nominee for prez
You think DNC delegates picking a nominee at the convention is more democratic and politically advantageous than running someone on the ticket primary voters picked? This is delusional.
“People would be captivated” Have you met people?
Considering the author is a RWNJ hack, it's more like an op than a fanfic. One way or the other, it needs to addressed with nothing but the derision it deserves.
Listen, I would personally insult every single member of the Democratic leadership if would produce a clear solution and a winning outcome. Offending someone’s dignity isn’t the issue here. But yeah, there’s not going to be a magic last minute candidate.
I was thinking of the effect on Black women.
Yes, racism is one of the reasons we’re in this position (well, and sexism). They could have used these 4 years to develop Harris as a national figure and party leader, to be Biden’s successor, but no. So here we are.
They'll show up just like various other demographics groups are expected to when something supposedly bad for them takes place.
She was picked for VP from the top down. No one voted for her in the same way that no one voted for Blinken, Khan, Zients as chief of staff, etc.
Actually, they *did* vote for her. My ballot had her on the ticket.
Nope. There was no primary, no separate vote, nothing along those lines. Harris was like all vps, a small name low down on the reason people voted for the not Trump candidate with a D next to the name.