Natalie J. Ring

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Natalie J. Ring

Historian of the US South, Jim Crow, Angola Prison in Louisiana. Author/Editor. Feral cat wrangler (TNR).
Transplant in Dallas, Texas. Am I too old to go to law school?
“The dissent is indulging in extreme hypotheticals” says the justice in a case of a president trying to use fraud and force to overturn an election
The AHA has sent letters to Tarleton State University leadership expressing deep concern about the decision not to renew the contract of historian Ted Roberts "for comments made outside of the context of his university employment.” 🗃️
AHA Sends Letters to Tarleton State University Leadership Concerning Non-Renewal of Historian’s The AHA has sent letters to leaders at Tarleton State University expressing “deep concern” about the decision not to renew the contract of historian Ted Roberts.
Went to the Smithsonian African American history museum for the first time. I have two words: impressive and intense. Oh, and need more time.
So who’s “us”?
The first thing out of Biden's mouth should have been "you're a convicted felon."
Biden's grave political mistake. Skip the debates. Never give a platform to the authoritarians/fascists.
Biden's greatest political mistake - he should have skipped the debates. Trump would have agreed to this - after all he skipped the Republican primary debates. I gotta check out.
Jesus. These old school Dem advisors don’t listen to anybody who knows anything about media and how most people understand it or consume it. I don’t even blame Biden; I blame these tenured cloistered guys (all of them guys, over the age of 55) who are apparently the people who have his ear the most
Frog in his throat. Verbal stumble/freeze up. A halfway normal sounding Trump. This is freakin' shit show for Biden so far.
Omg. I don't know if I can do this.
This court is so corrupt that it could be directly solicited by a literal cartoon caricature of a bribe — like this old Thomas Nast drawing of an anthropomorphic sack of money — and the conservatives would just say it looks like nothing at all, even as they fold the money into their pockets.
Today’s Snyder decision almost a cartoon caricature of a corrupt court.
Does anyone have suggestions on the best Ethiopian restaurant in Washington DC? I think I used to go to one in Adams Morgan that no longer exists? Thanks!
They are roughly the same age. Just stop. For crying out loud. This feels like a desperation grab along the lines of the immigrant caravan. Got an election or an important political moment? LET'S TALK AGE. Just. Stop.
Yes, yes, YES!
I’m just a guy who reads a lot of academic history books *begging* publishers who insist on endnotes to *at the very least* put “Notes to pages XY-XZ” at the top of each page of those notes. Please. 🙏🏼 📚
Okay, I'm going to the Library of Congress tomorrow to do research for a week (oh, and interview a 92 year old woman before she said she "strokes out). I haven't been to DC in 14 years. #1 question: where should I eat?
“Among the causes of infant deaths, one increased the most: congenital abnormalities, which increased 22.9% in Texas in children… That trend suggests that at least in some cases, parents were forced to carry a pregnancy to term while knowing their children had little to no chance of survival”
“Since Texas’ ban on abortion went into effect, infant deaths in the state increased by nearly 13%, according to a new analysis published on Monday in JAMA Pediatrics. In the rest of the country, infant mortality increased less than 2% over the same period.”
Infant deaths increased after Texas banned abortion in early Since Texas’ ban on abortion went into effect, infant deaths in the state increased by nearly 13%, according to a new analysis published on Monday in JAMA Pediatrics.
Two outstanding historians, Holly Brewer and Laura Edwards, argue that "the regulation of violence—including gun violence and domestic violence—is part of the history and traditions of this nation" AND that the "history and traditions" test is flawed.
The Supreme Court Keeps Misfiring on Guns | Washington The Supreme Court Keeps Misfiring on Guns. In its Rahimi opinion, the Court listened to our brief as historians and upheld restrictions on domestic abusers. But it was only a tiny victory because, whe...