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Librarian, Archivist, Historian, Traveler, Embroiderer, History Geek, Genealogist.
We had some visitors the other night. Three trash pandas ambling through the yard before dark
Just saw someone in the UK post a photo and they are wearing like three layers and I'm so jealous. I just want to eat stew, have a fire, and wear my fuzzy socks. Fall cannot get here soon enough
The fact that people think seal poop is what is closing the beaches on the Cape is just...sad. Fertilizer, old septic tanks that leach into the ground, boat fuel, and people dumping stuff in the ocean are the real answer but nope! Someone was blaming the whales even! Such good scientists on FB. :(
No, which is just weird. Usually their doctor would come out and reassure the nation, but his doctors have all be disbarred or arrested or he forgot their names so....
Maybe by the size of the scorpion bowls? They once offered me alcohol even though I was super underage. Maybe the Plough and Stars? Don't know, I lived in Medford and would go to Powderhouse Square Pub where the waitress looked like Lisa Loeb.
Yup. Since then, I've become even more of a townie somehow. My parents left Boston in the 70s and when I boomeranged back, our first date was to the cafe where my grandparents would go on dates lolol. I was doomed from the start.
"But that hasn't been a Nabisco plant in decades!" "Be quiet and write these directions down!"
My parents made it more fun by describing what I would see that was associated with people I had never met. "Take a left turn at Aunt Tina's old house and then right where Uncle Butch got drunk..." It was then that I realized I was doomed to be a townie
Yup. Hopefully we avoid a repeat of a few years ago but I have no idea what will happen. I really wish I could get a Canadian or Irish passport, but my people came too early to the US. No other country has citizenship through genealogy that applies so...ugh.
I can ask my friend who works at the birthplace if you would like
A smart person who went to school in Kentucky and Florida once told me that he couldn't go into a Harvard bar because he was intimidated by the people in it. I laughed and laughed. I'd rather hang with someone from UMB any day
Oh I didn't know that lobsters went that far down! I hate lobster for it's price and have never tried it cause my palette is solidly basic lol
If you want historians to see it, use the file cabinet 🗃️ Librarians, book stack 📚 Archivist, scroll 📜 I don't know any others lol
As always, I'm thinking about how gun control could potentially help people on all sections of the political spectrum. And I feel badly for the family of the person who was killed and will probably be either overlooked or turned into a campaign prop going forward.
I hate extroverting when I know that some of the people I'll be taking with don't understand, or care to understand me, and just think I'm a weirdo and that my husband is too. Ugh. At least there is a pool though.
Caught a second bunny in the flower bed in the front today and I just wanted to hug him. So cute
Yeah I didn't think you would have one of those but definitely similar in shape and pattern.
I'm thinking female red bellied woodpecker
So many armchair archaeologists on the Minute Man feed right now arguing that they obviously know more than a team of shovelbums and the musket balls are repros that were dropped by randos in the 1970s or didn't get fired. One major reason I'm good w/not doing NPS social media anymore lol
Always found it mediocre especially compared to Blackstrap
My favorite kind. They got lemon ones at work the other day which dissapointed me mightily.
Don't mind me, I'm just growing into my crazy nature lady phase. This little bun was so close to me! I love them and all the others in the yard even if I had to fence in my bulb plants.
If we become NoNola, I want beignets. Its only fair.
I thought I might get away from them on this site but alas. Also, I'm pro Joe. He's done so much and fascists scare me.
Broke down and put the portable ac in the window last night. Finally got sleep. Just another day of this & then leftover Beryl will hit us. I think this will be our last year without a mini-split. Now that I don't have to suffer through the heat in the wool and poly uni, my body has decided to nope
Did someone forget how to spell boyfriend in that sign? I'm so glad my dad was just "Tom Lehrer" weird
There is also the Gift Links/Gift Articles Feed, though I don't know how to link to it that you can use for future articles. People are really helpful over there.