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Librarian, Archivist, Historian, Traveler, Embroiderer, History Geek, Genealogist.
I think I got between 3 and 4.5 hours of sleep last night. The rain didn't come early enough. Today, I shall be playing the role of Grumpy Librarian. At least next year I have two days off for the holiday, but it is a Friday so I might go rent a cave and hide.
I've had a whole day of people like this and I'm just so tired and sad
Once I saw a dude podcaster arguing with his lady co host that the New York marathon was absolutely longer than the Boston marathon and he knew because he had run them both and that's the best example I can think of to explain men
Avatar any idea why the state police were hiding 93 South around South Bay at 1:45 today? All lanes stopped
Braved the waves and wind today but not for as long as yesterday. They were definitely bigger and it was a few degrees cooler. I think I brought home a pound of seaweed in my suit
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Spend time at Logan's Terminal E last Saturday? Might want to start checking for #measles symptoms if you don't know your vaccination status, state says #Boston #LoganAirport #EastBoston #PublicHealth
Did I squeal when I found this beautiful pipe bowl with attached stem while walking on a beach today? Yup!
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We went to turn our eCards into real ones today in the town I've been visiting for 40+ years. When the person helping us heard that I was a librarian and that I had access to housing, she started trying to sell me on applying for the job at the library lolol I'm more than half tempted.
In some ways, I'm glad that I was either driving to the house for the 2nd time in today (saw the bridge 3 times!) or am in a place without cable. The TV is just there for show.
I left my bag full of clothes at home and didn't realize until we got to the Cape house. So I came all the way back to get it and missed my first day in the ocean. Booo. But now I'll have my clothes instead of torturing myself with shopping for new clothes and bathing suits
Have to keep telling myself that all I can do is keep offering programs about Black history and eventually more then 3 people will show up for the program. 🗃️📚
I always get myself a birthday present. That way, I get something that I really wanted. This year, I got gravestones. Of course, I had to get the one titled "The Librarian" and a beautiful Death's Head is always a good choice 📚 🗃️
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Only on the T: Man misses play about the T because he made the mistake of trying to take the T to see it #MBTA #RedLine #Boston #SomervilleMA
Ugh, I keep getting the library icon mixed up with the history one! 🗃️
Slowly trying to figure out how many enslaved people lived in the town I work in. Just found a probate that probably refers to "Sandy," who is listed after a gun and before the oxen &cows. Now, I have to figure out where he went after the enslaver died and after that person since this is from 1758 📚
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Slowly trying to figure out how many enslaved people lived in the town I work in. Just found a probate that probably refers to "Sandy," who is listed after a gun and before the oxen &cows. Now, I have to figure out where he went after the enslaver died and after that person since this is from 1758 📚
Lot of things about homeownership that no one tells you... Like sometimes you'll find yourself outside in a raging thunderstorm trying to disconnect the rain barrel diverter so your gutter doesn't overflow and destroy the siding. Nothing like being wet and holding metal with lightning going off
95 degrees, feels like 106. Ugh. This is not the New England I want for the future.
Realized today that I've never had a house or living space with air conditioning in 45 years. I wouldn't mind it other than the expense of putting it in. Meanwhile we make do with temporary ac units and this giant ass pool on the shaded patio
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You know what hasn't gone down twice in three months? The Boston Fire Department's fire alarm box system, the first in the country, and still in operation after 172 years.
Any suggestions on how to learn about my ancestor's death in Norway? Family stories were that he died at the hands of the N@zis in 1940 in Haugesund, Norway. I'm going in February and would like to know more #ancestry #genealogy #norwegiangenealogy
I only need to read one more book and I'll have a Bingo on my BPL Summer Reading card (easy version). The question is, do I try the Read Harder one instead this summer. Still trying to figure out a good book that I haven't read yet for main character over 60.
90 minutes to go 11 miles is why I miss having effective and comprehensive to my trip public transit. I am very happy I'm no longer driving next to the momento morie truck.
Spent the morning touring the BPL's digital lab where my documents get scanned, randomly running into a former intern, and then getting babka! I have a loaf of chocolate and ate a lemon slice. Almond and cinnamon slices to be transported to a work friend tomorrow.
Has anyone actually taken a look at the info booth at the West end of Quincy market?? Like, I get tradition, baseball, innovations, marathons, and baked beans... But typos, fruit salad, and meat raffles? I've only seen those in Attleboro lol #boston
I went to a birding class/walk this morning and I think I need to buy binoculars now. We saw tons of birds and I even spotted a "hidden" one that no one else saw land on a branch. Now, it is time to go walk and get a giant chocolate chip cookie before spending the rest of the day reading.
I don't entirely understand the UK's political system and I haven't been following a lot lately thanks to the dumpster fires over here, but Sunak really sucks at this.
You don’t need any more evidence than this for the intellectual calibre of Sunak et al.
Seriously. I think I came very close to forgetting. I do still have some of those cds though!
A patron literally asked me how a bill becomes a law today. 📚