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ice, tax, books. witchcraft for cyborgs. she.
Ask me about Boston Fannish Brunch.
Reposted byAvatar thene
People think the utter travesty of the Tuskegee study was so far in the past, and don’t understand why so many POC, Black Americans especially, don’t trust government medical people. It wasn’t long ago at all. Peter Buxtun was 27. May we all keep his example of courage and justice in mind.
Peter Buxtun, the whistleblower who revealed that the U.S. government allowed hundreds of Black men in rural Alabama to go untreated for syphilis in what became known as the Tuskegee study, has died. He was 86.
Tuskegee syphilis study whistleblower Peter Buxtun has died at age The whistleblower who exposed the Tuskegee syphilis study that left hundreds of Black men untreated has died at age 86.
Reposted byAvatar thene
Next time you see someone quote Audre Lorde's 'master's tools' at you, ask them 2 questions: 1. Can you please define what YOU think the master's tools are currently? 2. What else does she say in that essay?
Reposted byAvatar thene
Also I’m over non Black folks attaching to the “Parable of the Sower” solely because it predicts white behavior And not Parable of the Talents which talks about the implementation and targeting of the plan and other things .. mayhap because it’s less friendly to them
Reposted byAvatar thene
One of the biggest issues around the readings of Parable of the Sower is that sorry not sorry The election is the RESULT of the lack of investment into obvious communities of care and leadership and how those that do invest survive not the election
Reposted byAvatar thene
Said it before, I’ll say it again, tell people Republicans want to take away their tax refunds.
Project 2025 raises taxes on a family of four with two parents earning a combined $100,000 by $2,600, in order to fund a tax cut of over three times their combined income for someone earning $5m.
Reposted byAvatar thene
one propaganda tactic Taylor has copied from her Tiktok misinformation friends is you never, ever link to the source you're criticizing. you provide a screenshot and then lie about what's in it
Wow even wrote an entire article full of crazy conspiracies & false theories from random quacks. This entire article is just a screed from a man who has fallen so far deep into Covid denialism he refuses to engage in the most basic science. I can’t explain how dangerous this is.
Reposted byAvatar thene
if every single case of Covid damages the immune system, then the rate of hospitalization and death should be steadily accelerating over time, for Covid and everything else. in fact we see the opposite. why? vaccines and the immune system doing its thing
Reposted byAvatar thene
Anyone looking for a way to explain or understand what has been happening lately on Bluesky needs to read through this thread.
There’s some reasons for this. The first is that the crusade began as criticism of the NYT’s anti-trans coverage. The second, and more relevant, is that social media standards allow people to use identity as both a sword and a shield.
Reposted byAvatar thene
I think this is what Toni Morrison meant when she called racism a distraction. how many hours wasted on trying to convince racist white people that police brutality is always wrong? racism makes all of us less safe.
this is kind of bleak, but it's interesting to be in Kenya and see people discuss police brutality without ever blaming the victims. there isn't a contingent of loud white people saying Black people deserve it. and it's a relief and allows folks to be focused on the true enemy
Reposted byAvatar thene
i think there are plenty of liberals and even some leftists who tell themselves they could never be transphobic because they don’t support right wing rights restrictions, even as they refuse to ever unpack the disgust, judgement and hostility they constantly show to trans women around them
Reposted byAvatar thene
this will save lives
This is a busy week for us so I can’t say anything about timeline, but we are going to prioritize notification filtering. Work has already started
an underrated plus of living in Boston is that absolutely no one believes this
People, I beg of you, please stop assuming someone who went to an Ivy is smart
Reposted byAvatar thene
People, I beg of you, please stop assuming someone who went to an Ivy is smart
Reposted byAvatar thene
honestly we do not need every journo’s take on how a guy who sucks picked a guy who sucks as his running mate. No kidding! Wow how does this shape the race going forward! Zero! It’s not interesting and neither are the takes! pictures of sponges are more interesting!
i guess i was watching ppl grapple with a thing i learned a long time ago: irl villains are not interesting. Fascists have no deep meaning to learn from. they're actually very boring and have excuses, not reasons. you weren't overlooking the poor fash voters. you were (are) overlooking their victims
time to reflect on the Do Something era of early 2017, when a lot of people who were surprised to learn what america was like engaged in the weirdest coping mechanisms. well done, you got Vance. i dont know that my choices were more effective but i dont regret them
time to reflect on the Do Something era of early 2017, when a lot of people who were surprised to learn what america was like engaged in the weirdest coping mechanisms. well done, you got Vance. i dont know that my choices were more effective but i dont regret them
Reposted byAvatar thene
I’m still harboring a great deal of ill will directed toward each and every one of the prestige East Coast publications that published a cooing review of Hillbilly Elegy in 2016. And I hate that we’re probably going to have to talk about that terrible book again.
Reposted byAvatar thene
Congratulations to jd vance and the republican party on its bold platform of "women should be enslaved"
Reposted byAvatar thene
I work at Rockin' Stickers! We're a small business in the PNW and our stickers and our little crew are amazing (I print my own stickers in-house, too)! I love us so much, please consider ordering your stickers from Rockin' Stickers! 💛
Sticker Mule is Tr*mp trash. Use StickerApp or Sticker Robot or Zug Monster or literally anything else
Reposted byAvatar thene
Reposted byAvatar thene
a second Zendaya in a suit has hit Wimbledon
Reposted byAvatar thene
I am a medical doctor who has worked in 4 different countries, including more than a decade in sub-Saharan Africa. We treated cancers. To say 'most' have no meaningful treatment of cancer is an insult. Sure, we don't have the latest treatments, but similar inequalities exist in USA, for example
Reposted byAvatar thene
As someone who got one of his degrees in West Africa, I challenge anyone to prove that most of us don't have access to books. Give me numbers and dates. This is the usual 'infantilize Africa' narrative.
Reposted byAvatar thene
We sometimes talk about people posting like Sephiroth on here but some people use the entire Bluesky experience like Sephiroth, bunch of people holding 20 ft swords and what not as the rest of us are just trying to play around in the Gold Saucer
Reposted byAvatar thene
This is written like an exaggeration to make a point but it is actually just a clearly worded statement of the mainstream GOP position
let’s all turn down the rhetoric and try to remain cool and clearheaded as we discuss the best way to build concentration camps for the 20 million people we have sworn to deport because they’re poisoning our national bloodstream.
Reposted byAvatar thene
the "violence shook this previously peaceful white christian nationalist rally railing against the vermin tainting the blood of the country" stories are going to destroy me
Reposted byAvatar thene
tbh i wish we could just drop the act - trans women are just women you can do misogyny to openly, they’re the women you can berate publicly in front of bystanders, we’re the women you get to treat the way you’d want to treat all women if you could
Reposted byAvatar thene
“political violence” is when violence is done to a politician. everything they cause is a different thing and you shouldn’t worry about it