
my favorite thing about when a popular trans woman gets canceled is that it gives me permission to be the raging transphobe i've always wanted to be, without the inconvenience of having to consider anybody's feelings except the taste of blood on my tongue
it's like "haha i always knew that tranny was an abusive predatory creep, i could just *sense* it man, i mean obviously i support trans people and don't condone baseless transphobia but with *this particular* transexual i think we can all agree this is totally fine and unquestionably justified" lmao
listen just because she's "a minority" or whatever doesn't mean she's above accountability. just look at this list of horrible things she did that a rando sent me in DMs! obviously we must hold her to account, especially if she says or does anything anywhere for any reason at any time in perpetuity
"I unfollowed this week's designated piñata a while back for unrelated reasons, so now I get to develop a completely unfounded belief in my own ability to perceive creeps before they're outed by their victims."
no I will not be looking closely at my parasocial impulses and the biases they conceal, the point is that social media is a game and I am winning
I thought my takeaway was supposed to be "don't trust anyone, ever."