sarah zedig

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sarah zedig

i'm here but i don't have to like it. she/her
creator of godfeels, makes video essays
station eleven finale, no contest. except with every other episode of station eleven
What's the best episode of television you've ever watched?
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can anyone recommend a good review podcast covering the anne rice vampire books? i'm imagining two or three middle aged women with intense opinions about how rice handled things talking about each book for maybe two or three hours apiece. i need some comfort food
can anyone recommend a good review podcast covering the anne rice vampire books? i'm imagining two or three middle aged women with intense opinions about how rice handled things talking about each book for maybe two or three hours apiece. i need some comfort food
Reposted byAvatar sarah zedig
Reposted byAvatar sarah zedig
It's time for the 2024 Comics Worker Survey for US workers! Pay transparency is crucial to uncovering patterns in pay inequity & learning what publishers and clients can ACTUALLY pay us. Submit your info and encourage your peers to do the same! (art by Phil McAndrew)
Reposted byAvatar sarah zedig
Reposted byAvatar sarah zedig
the dems were never gonna prevent this from happening. they've had opportunity after opportunity for at least the last 25 years, and they've consistently sided with capital in every way that matters. i mean, let's be real. collapse and civil conflict is gonna be GREAT for business
Reposted byAvatar sarah zedig
"Masks did not become a symbol of solidarity overnight...There is still much work to be done. But if you ever stopped masking, there has rarely been a better time to start again. Mask up and show your solidarity. Eric Adams will hate it."
extremely happy that we FINALLY get to show off Halley's Fucking Comet on screen!!! i've been sitting on this for MONTHS but janet girlpillz actually built a scale model of the Comet with working lights and everything, so what you see in the fic is the rasterized version of a drawn-on photograph!
Reposted byAvatar sarah zedig
religion is the opiate of the masses and i FUCKING LOVE OPIUM
Reposted byAvatar sarah zedig
biden bragging that he has "fewer border crossing than trump" my dude fuck you
Reposted byAvatar sarah zedig
Keep forgetting to post here, my bad! I have some good news though! My latest video, where I revaluate the 2022 game Scorn, is now live!!
there used to be an expectation that the internet wasn't just a place for money to change hands. one of the big social changes in 2008-2012 online was precisely the rise of merch/patreon/tipping services suddenly revealing that you could make a living making stuff online
regulation and nationalization
Reposted byAvatar sarah zedig
my favorite thing about when a popular trans woman gets canceled is that it gives me permission to be the raging transphobe i've always wanted to be, without the inconvenience of having to consider anybody's feelings except the taste of blood on my tongue
i was so right about the new Doctor Who embodying both the best and worst qualities of the series they even brought back the messy sort of confounding two-part finales! quite pleased with how this video holds up tbh
"mystery box" is a useless term and i wish to obliterate it from human vocabulary. it's just a thing jj abrams said about his own work, and not even particularly eloquently, which has aimlessly echoed through the halls of nerd media analysis long enough for us to think it actually means something
Reposted byAvatar sarah zedig
There is not a legislative attack on "LGBTQ people" there is a coordinated, concerted attack on trans people going on that the media should not be obscuring or otherwise failing to report on.
Reposted byAvatar sarah zedig
Cross-resharing, much less from Tumblr, is rarely something I do, but I saw this sappy thing about transfem feelings and getting over the self-deprivation that egg life was and it kinda hit me, so now y'all have to see it too: Ending applies to t4t relationships, btw.
Reposted byAvatar sarah zedig
Being trans in America is cool because it’s like do you want to live somewhere rent is $6,000 a month or do you want to live somewhere it’s legal to hunt you for sport
Reposted byAvatar sarah zedig
Reposted byAvatar sarah zedig
I was nervous to write this bc I know all the outlets I called out have a lot more resources than me; however, I’m simply tired of watching journalists bill themselves as leftists while they silently watch us die. Enough.
Silence from prominent left outlets continues as mask bans Eugenics has been successfully mainstreamed by libertarian think tanks, yet many popular left-wing journalists look on indifferently.