
can anyone recommend a good review podcast covering the anne rice vampire books? i'm imagining two or three middle aged women with intense opinions about how rice handled things talking about each book for maybe two or three hours apiece. i need some comfort food
so much discourse went down about her pre-podcast age... vampires, porn, catholicism, anti-fanfic stuff.
that would be funny to listen to. i was deeply into the vampire chronicles for awhile, reread the vampire lestat several times... then i got to memnoch the devil. i read the whole thing, put it down, felt a tinge of what i felt reading orson scott card, and never read another vampire book again lol
if my adhd brain ever lets me read again i'm gonna finally finish that weird ass series
i inherited my sister's copies of the first three vampire books, enjoyed the hell out of the first two and then petered off once gears shifted into "actually lestat is my favoritest best boy who can do no wrong." but i have a lifelong fascination with how *fans* perceive the series, GREAT posters
This happened to me oh…fifteen ish years ago now? I’m finally trying to pick them back up to read the ones i never have before.
Try Annegirls, sister pod to Ghost in the Magazine.
I have yet to find exactly that so I’ll be following this for answers. Specifically for The Witching Hour because that book is a doozy and has some weird abortion doctor conspiracy stuff in it
Do not dm the answer to Sarah! Post in the replies so I can listen too.