Charlotte the Host Origami

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Charlotte the Host Origami

transitioning in mid life
Tonight is not the night to expect me to be magnanimous about Biden. My daughter, who is battling a horrific disabling condition, has Covid, and our president just went out in public maskless when he knew he was shedding virus. I've got no grace for him tonight. Fuck him.
The President of the United States has COVID. He has access to far-UVC, filtered air & dozens of other preventatives to avoid infection that are completely out of reach to the general public. But he doesn't mask. As long as COVID exists, we're ALL signing up for endless infections unless we mask up.
"let me breathe directly into your mouth, mister president"
Watching Biden take the stage in Wisconsin and that dude is definitely getting covid before summer is done.
Biden tests positive for Covid Yamiche Alcindor of NBC News tweet
Biden walking around unmasked, surrounded by people, on national television, when he just tested positive for Covid is so fucking infuriating. PUT A FUCKING MASK ON.
When the Senate Majority Leader times the leak that he told you to drop out four days ago to drop immediately after you announce you have Covid, that's a pretty good sign that the gloves are finally coming off.
Are you fucking kidding me right now
New York Governor Kathy Hochul and NYC Mayor Eric Adams are bragging about crime being down on the subway, yet are also trying to justify crime as a reason to push through a subway mask ban. Ridiculous.
Governor Hochul and Mayor Adams Celebrate New Subway Safety Milestones, Massive Decreases in Subway Governor Hochul celebrated new data showing new milestones in the State, City and MTA’s efforts to make New York City subways even safer.
be not a'frayed
Biblically accurate Angel crochet patterns #OmniumGatherum
Morning everyone
🚨 an fyi about Woodhull Freedom Foundation for sex workers + community 🚨
new reasons to reject sex positive sex work politics just dropped: that "sexual freedom" pro-decrim group who joined a ~let's bridge the partisan divide~ network of orgs including the anti-immigrant org NumbersUSA? they just co-sponsored a conference with Leonard Leo's "dark money ATM" DonorsTrust
The Bear is not a comedy it is an anxiety
I was the first person in my family to really fuck this up
📚 Oh... well isn't that fun.
This is an enormous scandal and reason for all academics to withhold labor from Taylor and Francis/Routledge
So, Republicans are draining more than just the swamp.
I bet Grindr going off in Milwaukee this week because of the Republican National Convention.
Hi, I'm a disabled trans woman in the UK. I'm applying for PIP due to long COVID exacerbating existing symptoms. I'm a freelance journalist, but work has been hard to find even when I can do it. I'm asking for mutual aid to help with living expenses. Thank you. 💞💸
Pay tiny goblin shop using Go to and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.
The CDC can continue to go fuck itself. Eugenics ass monsters.
Ye gods: “The CDC has controversially decided not to offer at-risk groups bird flu vaccines… the agency is not recommending a vaccine campaign at this point for several reasons, even though millions of doses are available.”
A lot of people are choosing to look away right now in the face of something that is making Doctors Without Borders say things like this
I feel like all the trans people on this site can unite, at last, over not wanting the question of transphobia to be adjudicated by Dave "every girl is either bisexual or bipolar" Weigel
Remembering why I've enjoyed BlueSky so far - kind of a reboot, place to have fun conversations without the weight of politics/breaking news etc. But there are some rotten, mean, and dull people on this site, and I do wish they'd confront their own mental health issues before posting.
If you're wondering why Bluesky uses "AI" as part of its content moderation, this thread is a useful one.
Image classifiers detect the worst content that needs to be gone (and humans then review the content given the labels in the most severe categories to see the context it was posted in and whether it needs to be removed entirely). But they also can't tell context.
Farmers are getting infected with bird flu because they are working in 104 degree heat without masks and other PPE. The is why labor justice must be a key part of the solution for both climate change and pandemics.