
The scientific enterprise continues to be questioned when ideas are revised in light of new data. To most scientists, this is such a natural part of science that we take it for granted. We (includes me) need to do a better job of saying "this is what we know now."
Teach philosophy of Much is being made about the erosion of public trust in science. Surveys show a modest decline in the United States from a very high level of trust, but that is seen for other institutions as well. Wh...
I read the science of discworld books as a teenager which actually give a pretty solid grounding in philosophy of science, has been disturbing recognising just how rare that is.
I think the phrase "functional understanding (or operation) of science" might be better here than "philosophy of science", which is itself a field perhaps even more intractable to the non-academic than the basics of science itself.
Great piece. However, I feel that both philosophers and scientists underestimate what it takes to run courses like this. This is not an impossible task, but real resources - time & money - should be invested in developing these. And: philosophers (in particular) don't have incentives to do this.
Sure that's fair. That phrase makes said material more accessible to a wider audience.