
This future is still bleak. The embodied carbon - that is the total emissions of manufacturing - of an electric SUV can be on par w/ a small ICE vehicle driven just a few thousand miles per year. These vehicles are also incredibly heavy, fast, and dangerous - and frankly have no place in cities
a very Vicki feature: on the bleak future, the uncertain present, and trying to build a world we all want to live in, as seen through the windows of a Kia EV9
The Future Is Bleak. The Kia EV9 Proves It Doesn't Have to I loaded up a Kia EV9 with friends, drove to the coast, and there, I found hope.
why should he read the article before he dumps on you? That would lessen his Debbie Downer self-satisfaction
I’m just so tired of people not realizing that I’ve written a ton about all of this stuff and acting like they’ve gotcha’d me. I wrote the articles you’re citing, rando!!!
i did in fact i read the article and didn't see a single reference to the massive embodied carbon from electric SUVs, or the increased danger to pedestrians. i did see a lot of greenwashing, however. 'there's still work to do' doesn't mean anything in this context.
Do you realize that for blogs I have word count to hit and I can’t make every story include every facet of culture at once? The point is instead of giving into doomerism I’m trying to have hope. that’s a moral failing on my part, I’ll be sure to extinguish any glimmer of hope left in my soul
Anyway for what it’s worth this has a 100kwh battery pack and the environmental impact from it with 100% clean energy actually offsets very rapidly. The EV9 is bigger than a Leaf but even at 7,500 miles a year you’re under most gas car emissions by 30K miles if you’re charging in Seattle
BTW, new profile pic is excellent
Thank you so much!! It’s from the signing day, I felt like I looked cute with the fresh haircut 😇
Wow good thing she wrote about (1) renting a shared car (2) to visit a remote destination far away from a city (3) in service of arguing for continued progress on environmental and urban policy issues
I would simply not take an electric SUV into sensitive ancestral Native salmon harvesting grounds
What, you would take a bus to the nearest city and then a three hour e-bike ride through fog-covered temperature rainforest? Kia's not going to pay you for that.
I don’t own a car and I primarily use the bus or my legs in the city. If you’d ever been to the Olympic Peninsula, you’d realize it is too large to bike. Kia did not pay me. The vehicle was in the local press fleet for reviews and I wanted to do a hopeful feature so I did this instead. I regret it.
The piece is fantastic and your pictures are amazing. Don't let the assholes bring you down, automotive journalism desperately needs your voice.
Thanks. I just feel like this did not strike the right tone for what I was hoping to accomplish, and perhaps a normal car review would have been better.
I didn't mind the tone, it reminds me of Peter Egan's road trip stories. But way more reverent, and with fewer troubles with Lucas electrics.
I don't know why you'd listen to the opinions of people who don't like cars on how good a piece of automotive journalism is?
The article is good. I say that even as a person who generally despises big suv's. Your photos are gorgeous as always and its nice to know somebody is making normal large electric suv's instead of 1000hp monsters.
I so wish Ford made Fiesta EV rather than scrapping the ICE version
i agree cars basically should be largely designed out of our dense cities (like Seattle). but the embodied carbon is more addressable in the future. and especially on a very clean grid like Seattle, under almost all circumstances, EVs represent a major reduction in emissions.