victoria scott

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victoria scott

photographer, author, your favorite auto journalist’s favorite transsexual
staff writer @
pfp: Charlotte
Reposted byAvatar victoria scott
Avatar writes about society, culture, present and future like very few people do. For a better mobility we need better, more inclusive, less corporate-fed stories. Stories for the motoring people and, just as Victoria's friends, everybody else who don't care about cars.
a very Vicki feature: on the bleak future, the uncertain present, and trying to build a world we all want to live in, as seen through the windows of a Kia EV9
The Future Is Bleak. The Kia EV9 Proves It Doesn't Have to I loaded up a Kia EV9 with friends, drove to the coast, and there, I found hope.
this really feels about as close to January 6th as you can get without it being January 6th. This just fucks everything. The runway is cleared for genuinely horrible things. as a member of an incredibly oppressed population I don’t feel good
Reposted byAvatar victoria scott
Justice Sotomayor, in conclusion.
Reposted byAvatar victoria scott
JOHN R: Skip I want to ADDRESS this issue. [BAYLESS nods] You KNOW I am sensitive to the idea that the President is not above the law BAYLESS: Absolutely JOHN R: BUT!
The GOP SCOTUS ruling on Presidential immunity, summed up.
logging on and immediately looking at the site like good LORD what is happening in here
the things we do to our most vulnerable people in this country in the name of religion are beyond contempt. how can you claim to serve Christ with this evil in your heart
A homeless shelter wrote an amicus brief in the Grant’s Pass case. They argued SCOTUS should let the city arrest the homeless because, and I am not shitting you, the ban on doing so meant less people were willing to abide by their “two church services a day and no sex” requirement to sleep inside.
Reposted byAvatar victoria scott
Victoria's new book arrived yesterday and it is wonderful! Excellent photography, a very fun subject, and presentation is wonderful. A must have for any queer individual that enjoys cars!
seeing a bunch of people - who said three years ago that Roe would never fall, and eight years ago that Trump could never win - tell me that I’m being overly concerned today.
Reposted byAvatar victoria scott
Avatar you've done an amazing job here. The whole book is just a joy.
Supreme Court dismantles the administrative state and dooms us to eternal pollution and then also makes being unhoused illegal. I have taken the lesson the universe has taught me, and you will NOT catch me being optimistic again
Reposted byAvatar victoria scott
Our Front Page:
Reposted byAvatar victoria scott
In a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court is like “if I were you, I would simply stop being homeless.”
First decision is Grants Pass. Gorsuch has the 6-3 opinion finding that the Eighth Amendment does not bar "generally applicable" laws banning public camping. Sotomayor writes the dissent.
My optimism post was short lived 🫡
Oh my god we’re gonna die lmao
Oh my god we’re gonna die lmao
Reposted byAvatar victoria scott
RFK Jr can’t catch a break; you get *one* brain worm and suddenly you’re the guy running for president with the brain worm
I think I hate this website. A third of the randos on here are the rudest fuckers without reading comprehension I’ve come across in ages, and I work as a trans woman in an almost entirely male industry.
Reposted byAvatar victoria scott
Y'all this article is so good. We need more (well-reasoned) optimistic reporting and it can be especially hard to find in the world of cars, but this is absolutely worth your time to read.
a very Vicki feature: on the bleak future, the uncertain present, and trying to build a world we all want to live in, as seen through the windows of a Kia EV9
The Future Is Bleak. The Kia EV9 Proves It Doesn't Have to I loaded up a Kia EV9 with friends, drove to the coast, and there, I found hope.
Reposted byAvatar victoria scott
As someone who has put 5800 miles on their ev9 in the last six months and primarily charges off of a solar array in the PNW. Yes. Trite as it is, you have to build the future you want to see.
a very Vicki feature: on the bleak future, the uncertain present, and trying to build a world we all want to live in, as seen through the windows of a Kia EV9
The Future Is Bleak. The Kia EV9 Proves It Doesn't Have to I loaded up a Kia EV9 with friends, drove to the coast, and there, I found hope.
Reposted byAvatar victoria scott
If you're not reading Victoria's work, I don't even know what to tell you. She's one of the best motoring journalists working today.
a very Vicki feature: on the bleak future, the uncertain present, and trying to build a world we all want to live in, as seen through the windows of a Kia EV9
The Future Is Bleak. The Kia EV9 Proves It Doesn't Have to I loaded up a Kia EV9 with friends, drove to the coast, and there, I found hope.
a very Vicki feature: on the bleak future, the uncertain present, and trying to build a world we all want to live in, as seen through the windows of a Kia EV9
The Future Is Bleak. The Kia EV9 Proves It Doesn't Have to I loaded up a Kia EV9 with friends, drove to the coast, and there, I found hope.
I bought a bunch of summer speed films and then it’s been cloudy this entire week lmao
Reposted byAvatar victoria scott
some states are unsafe for trans people to travel through, some states are unsafe for pregnant people to travel through, some states are unsafe for gay people to travel through, we’re developing this horrific patchwork of laws as fundamental rights are upended nationally
Kevin is one of the most talented photographers I’ve ever met and also an amazing person. I’m so incredibly excited to buy this I can’t even tell you
I am thrilled to announce my new photography book, Waiting For the Sun to Come Down, published by Carrara Media, and available for preorder now. It’s filled with more than 75 different cars, over 125 pages, and a lot of very black shadows.
Waiting for the Sun to Come Down car photography book — Carrara The ultimate coffee table book for modern enthusiasts, Waiting for the Sun to Come Down features stunning automotive photography through the lens of Kevin McCauley. His magical use of light and shad...
Reposted byAvatar victoria scott
I should get a bellybutton piercing
This story is excellent and this man is very brave. However I am now realizing that I probably wasn’t paranoid to have been so worried about being killed when I was the sole trans woman living in *actually* rural Idaho in a town of 3,000, over a hundred miles from the nearest town with an airport
DETROIT PEEPS APB: my friend’s new car was just stolen right from in front of his house, please keep your eyes peeled if you can!!!
In the off chance that it'll actually help - Hey, Detroiters. My 2021 Kia Soul was stolen from in front of my Bagley Neighborhood house sometime late Sunday 6/23 or early Monday 6/24. It's Neptune Blue with red highlights and a black/gray interior. Michigan license OPFU51
Big day for people who want to hear about my book lol
Reposted byAvatar victoria scott
The second I heard’s We Deserve This mentioned on the Smoking Tire PodCast I put dropped cash on a pre-order. Queer voices in car culture are many and varied but unfortunately generally suppressed. Anybody as a the persons in this book needs to be talked about.
My wonderful friend Amber interviewed me about my creative process and the automotive themes in my new book, We Deserve This
if you haven't already ordered We Deserve This from, go do that. then, while you're waiting for it to arrive, read this little interview about the book
'Be Genuine, Make Art' An Interview With We Deserve This Author Victoria Victoria Scott tells us all about how the book came together, and what kinds of art she hopes it'll spark