
The minister is paid more than 300,000 per annum. He receives subsidies for meals and transport and tens of thousands for accommodation. And he can’t be fucked reading a report about why children were being raped and beaten.
How can you possibly argue that you take ANY issue “very very seriously” when the Minister responsible hadn’t even sodding read the report!! Do y’all believe me now about select committee members not bothering to read submissions? #nzpol
PM on defensive after minister admits not reading interim abuse Matt Doocey was personally sent the Royal Commission's interim report into abuse last November - turns out he hasn't read it.
Unforgivable, and so egregious in the circumstances that he should resign. Peoples lives were destroyed, many took their own lives because of the abuse and Doocey didn’t take the time to read the report before he met survivors. My brother was one of the abused. Fuck Doocey.
Imagine if his staff told him they couldn't be bothered doing their job
Is it any wonder that JAG got frustrated enough to cross the floor?