
It was newly open. A conservative posted a bad take. I said it was bad and that I wouldnt mind conservative voices if they were more interesting/better. I then did a separate post saying the site could use more diversity of all types. I was called a Nazi, which I think proved the point actually
was it still a closed app? before it got unlocked to the public it was very self-serious.
I stand by it to this day. Bluesky has gotten better but it would be cool if it was more demographically and ideologically diverse. Feel free to block me and stuff.
Wow. This was almost exactly a year ago. Here was my very controversial comment.
It is true that Blue Sky skews left right now. I would prefer it to have more diversity of opinions but I would sincerely hope those thoughts are more interesting than, "I don't like being disagreed with."
so not "open" but available with a code. it would be more valuable as a network. it is interesting. it's probably moved me left in some ways and further right just by being here. although today was the first day i almost deleted my account. had pizza instead.
Yeah I guess it wasnt all the way open. I honestly forgot about this. Every now and then I run into some reminder of it.
still looking for follows? is very insightful for philly sports is wicked smart law and unions legal (might be on paternity leave)
Avatar is a physics phd with a rapier wit who else...hard to think of ppl i follow but you don't
Thanks, Karl. Much appreciated.
Almost on paternity leave, so inversely busy.
Personally, my mute and block hand has gotten very strong. I've already blocked two people tonight who were telling me anew how fascist this is.
One person suggested I underestimate the seriousness of this moment and the right. I wonder where they were on January 6? I wonder what theyve done since. Surely they have addressed the issue actively rather than just sitting on a social platform calling people fascists.
The problem is there are not many people I would consider normal who identify as right of center. All for diversity of lived experiences but don’t care about what the aggrieved cop dealing with an historically large budget or privileged dude who grew up with a large boat has to say about anything
lotta folks on here still think of everything in a zero-sum way. part of it is that three left of center people locked up will eventually eat each other. it has always been thus.