RI Smith

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RI Smith


Lawyer writing about law, genealogy, and bad ethics
Doctor just said our baby is on track to be 9lbs at 39 weeks. Rip wife.
I have an inordinate hatred of stupid balls and strikes analogies. Just because John Roberts made a terrible one does not mean you have to compete to find one even dumber.
It used to be that we would say, "How can we live in a country where someone can point a rifle at you and they haven't committed a crime until they fire?" Now we live in a country where even the police and secret service are unconcerned until after they fire a shot at someone running for president.
Having to work from my parents house while our house is being deep cleaned is more stressful than trial. "How do I log in to this? "I don't even know what PayPal is" "But you just logged into PayPal?" "I did?"
Spent the weekend going through mystery DNA matches on Ancestry using the newer tool that lets you see how closely related to mutual matches they are. Found many of their biological parents, but nothing too useful for me. Will call it a soft win.
If you're posting Larry Tribe's analysis unironically, please stop.
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WSJ this morning. lol at the last bit. "Leaders on both sides need to stop describing the stakes of the election in apocalyptic terms. Democracy won't end if one or the other candidate is elected. Fascism is not aborning if Mr. Trump wins, unless you have little faith in American institutions."
Do we really think the same SCOTUS that found that A14S2 is inoperopable and just adopted the Nixon logic of "it's not a crime when the president does it" is really going to find Cannon made a reversible error finding Trump didn't commit a crime, even if he wasn't the president when he did it?
Today's top story was that a registered Republican was very conservative.
Between production and consumption, I'm pretty sure that my 37 week pregnant wife is 40% milk.
The movie Volcano was made solely because a producer saw Tommy Lee Jones barking orders in The Fugitive and thought that was a good premise for a movie.
Just read an obituary for a man who was affectionately known as "Mean Dean" Dick. And, no, he wasn't a pro wrestler or a NASCAR driver. I checked.
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Do cops know about this? Can we sic Freddy on Jason?
Project 2025, page 592: make it harder for employees to be paid at overtime rates by allowing employers to average the number of hours worked over 2-4 weeks
The Oklahoma AG defended his decision to accuse a 12-year-old of coming on to a pastor who repeatedly molested her by saying he didn't know that she was 12-years-old and didn't read the demand letter that emphasized that fact before responding to it. www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news...
Lawyer for megachurch pastor blamed 12-year-old for initiating ‘inappropriate’ sexual conductwww.nbcnews.com Letters sent in 2007 by a lawyer for Robert Morris shed light on how the pastor explained his past sexual behavior with a child — and who else might have known about it.
A mostly unprofitable, but personally fulfilling, thing I do is to give an hour or two of my time to help people research a genealogical topic when they message me with a question. It's not hard and I like to think that showing my work improves the quality of their research.
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Am rereading the Alexander decision and almost choked on the Alito line, "[W]e must be wary of plaintiffs who seek to transform federal courts into 'weapons of political warfare' that will deliver victories that eluded them 'in the political arena.'"
The Democratic Party is so concerned about the fate of democracy in our country that it is preparing to do the only sensible thing, remove the candidate who won every primary so that party insiders can pick a candidate they prefer.
To save democracy, the Democratic party may resort to deploying the greatest concept of all time: a political version of the NBA In-Season Tournament
When I was in undergrad, a symposium professor in my major would stop you if you said "uh" or "um" to force you out of your verbal ticks and fillers. This has inspired my decision to surgically remove exclamation marks from the minds of youths.
I'm going to become MLB's next wiz kid GM by teaching baseball players how to jump higher than a half inch.
Ancestry has to be the last website to discover AJAX and its implementation appears to be limited to "refresh the page number but don't refresh the search results."
Genealogy teaches you that, not only do many people have no idea what their parent's birthdays are, but many of them can't even remember whether someone is their mom or grandma.
I would like just one of these "size of your baby" apps to pick a set of objects that are even remotely the same size. "Your baby is the size of a bundle of carrots or a basketball hoop." No, those are not remotely similar in size. And I'm horrified for my wife to have to pass a basketball hoop.
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Supreme Court rules 6-3 American Revolutionary War was incorrectly decided
Spent the last 11 hours editing discovery responses and demand letters. Anything bad happen today?
Just watched a dumb true crime show with an episode that made a scare quotes episode about committing a ***federal offense*** I was really hoping that someone was going catch a short lobster, but it was just lame car bombs.
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Infuriating piece. 1. Jail can’t stop inflow of K2. 2. To try, takes all legal mail, scans, hands over copies, destroys originals. 3. COPIES still get doused in K2. 4. So now seize COPIES of LEGAL mail, send to PROSECUTORS for drug testing. 5. Sometimes non-replaceable LEGAL notes never come back.
One anonymous legal expert had this to say: "I don’t know what the 🤬 this 💩 is, but it’d be less insulting to the Constitution to walk into the National Archives, open up the glass case, and take a 💩 directly on the Bill of Rights." www.pennlive.com/news/2024/06...
Whistleblower goes back in ‘the hole’ at Dauphin County jail after fight over legal paperswww.pennlive.com He said guards confiscated his legal paperwork, something advocates say is "a flagrant violation" of incarcerated people's constitutional rights.
I'm going to take a controversial stand: you can agree with someone in principle and not their tactics. Disagreeing with their tactics does not mean you have betrayed the principle.
Watching Florida shellac Kentucky in the College World Series is ruining my bracket.
Tennessee fans giving the best mustache in baseball a standing ovation in his last game at home has been the best part of my day.
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It does not get any more pure narcissistic, egotistical god complex than sincerely believing the future of civilization hinges on your tweets.
So he’s saying he keeps putting his hand on a hot stove, which sounds about right